Ancient Aliens

Or they could just use their hands. The moai in Easter Island are also polished to an astonishing degree -which happens to be as smooth as fingers can sense them. That is, if they were even smoother, we wouldn’t be able to tell by touching them. So the moai builders just grinded and polished them until they were as smooth as possible to the finest touch -maybe there was even someone whose job was to have his/her hands perfeclty cared so they were sensitive enough to feel when the stone was finished.

As for the fact that Egyptians built 24 massive coffins, well, pick a number of man/hours, devote unlimited resources to them and probably they could be built in a single generation. They’re large enough so several people could work on one at the same time, speeding the process. And they aren’t all that difficult to build by cut & grind; probably the stonemasons digged the internal cavity and then cut around it so the walls were thick enough to allow safe transportation, then the block was moved and grinded into its finish condition on site. My gut feeling is that didn’t took them more than 10 to 15 years.

Also, as for accuracy, they weren’t trying to replicate the coffins: they were building them for the first and last time. If we had to replicate them we would be forced to use extremely accurate measuring, but they just had to find stones large enough and mark them 24 times with the same exact measurements, a technology Egyptians already perfected to build the pyramids.

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By the way , the ship was not limited to 200,000 lbs but 318,000 metric tons rather.
30% of a million ton.

Plus, 1,000 generations can be more than twice less than 70,000 years.
If different than they were taught, they might want to revise their study, it may not seem quite as good.

I’m trying to verify the name(s) of Moses, since they are hiding it, since he was caught in controversy or, attack, enough to ban him, and he took people out from those who banned him, with him, although that is possibly with more details as well.

Of course, there is more to this, and I didn’t have the time to verify those videos yet.
In fact, I was looking at other videos which I could not find again yet.
Those other videos explained what I mentioned above in more details.
I was not able to verify most of the last few videos content above.

I also couldn’t watch this one below yet:

Upon review, I later found that many of the info related is not allowed for publishing, or that it is controlled, as it misrepresent facts, or that rather, it is injurious to the security of certain (security) systems.

The ancient helmet systems maybe were to keep the dust from the comet striking the earth to enter the lungs and kill the people on earth, and survive.

It’s less likely it was used to create oxygen and to go under water with it, although it’s possible.

My computer is shutting down for so long I may have to unplug it.

It seems one went to a lot of efforts to make protection for a crib.
It is similar to the expression , the cradle of civilization.

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Anything old and ancient may be alien.

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“Friendship” - A True Tale Of Repeated Alien Contact by Multiple Witnesses

An extraordinary Italian case of alien contact with humans, kept secret for half a century, has finally come to light.

In Pescara, in 50’/70’s, a group of extraterrestrials contacted directly an unsuspected number of people. The project was called Friendship. The humans were carried on their bases, even on board of UFOs. Almost all of the involved people belong to Italian high society. Among them, the famous consul Alberto Perego.

The witnesses of such incredible experience are finally determined to speak. The exclusive footage and photos that they collected are simply amazing.

Friendship: a case that will change your mind about the interaction between men and extraterrestrials.

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LOL. The UFOs obviously hanging from threads are so cuuute… for the 50s. Now they’re beyond outdated. :smile:

Then we have some UFTs (U. F. Threads) that sustain a metallic disc, from 50 years ago.

Eve could be real if we just stop being selfish and start trying to reach mars
Don’t burn me tho

We are trying, SpaceX is working on rocket to make it possible to reach mars and get back, sheduled for test in 2022 (optimistic option).


It could be faster if people don’t fighting for oils

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Another idea is to add stations on the way to mars, to speed up travel, when the planet is opposite than the best path for travel.
Although the distance is greater, if the speed is also greater in those times period, the final approach of destination total time would be less than to wait for the planets to come back.
It would also require more energy, and those “stations” would allow to store that extra energy required to speed up the process(es).

Here is my take on the whole God, Satan and Aliens thing

How to defeat Hell

My story began today after opening the angel’s share on some home aged whiskey…I will tell you this story of how to destroy the Devil…well rather make Hell into a Garden of Eden.

First we know that the Devil wanted the same power like God has. But God threw the Devil into Hell for trying to create beings that worshipped the Devil. When people do wicked and vile things, rape, murder, pay taxes, etc. those people go to Hell. At the moment a wicked person dies Hell opens up and judges the soul of the person. If the Devil finds evil acts within the persons blood the person is taken too Hell to where the person’s soul creates a fine film over the ground that continues to seed discord, hate, rape, incest, etc back into the soil of the Earth that humans then walk across and eat the cattle, lambs and small farm animals that graze on the grass grown in the Devil’s soil. The person has to have committed the wicked act. Thinking about the wicked act does not count. Billions of people contribute or have contributed to the Garden of Hell since a very early time. The wickedness that people take to Hell with them also feeds the Devil’s soul and creates many layers over his soul that hides the inner spirit of Satan. I need another sip…hold tight. Okay. There had to have been an exterior figure that corrupted Satan to make him turn against God. Maybe another aspect of Creation that we don’t know about yet that like the thief in the night planted the thoughts of corruption in Satan’s mind. Slowly Satan turned on God and brought calamity to Earth that for generations has kept humans from seeding the Universe with our Seed to keep our numbers low and our progress from not happening to keep the other aspect of Creation supreme ruler over its part of the Universe.

How do we defeat this external aspect of Creation? People who are good have to take a mark on their body and commit their soul to the depth of Hell when they die. The Devil will think of the mark as the Mark of the Beast, but it is a ruse to gain entrance into Hell. Once in Hell and unable to return to Purgatory the soul of the Eden Gardener will slowly spread in the soil of Hell replacing its wicked and vile seed with the purity of humanity. Slowly but surely each layer of Hell would be taken over and the wicked vanquished from the realm forever, returning to the place where the External Aspect of Creation corrupted Satan from. Once each layer of hell has been seeded the soul will travel into out grass and feed humanity with goodness and a self of external aspects of Creation that involve space exploration and hunting down the Corruption.

Once all of the layers of Hell have been vanquished the corruption that surrounds Satan while deteriorate and show the trapped soul beneath that can then return to God to give God insight into what corrupted Satan in the first place. With all of the layers of Hell made un corrupt Hell would become a second Eden that nourish humanity and give humanity the soul it needs to vanquish the Corruption coming from somewhere in the Universe.

Building a floating station ain’t easy m8
You have to carry material from Earth or local planet to construct it
Unless we built the station parts on Earth and then send them to space(which is not easy plus the risk of space environments)
And where should that station be?
Orbiting around Earth like ISS or orbiting the moon? Cuz you can’t just put a station in a middle of the space,it will float away if something accidentally hit it or some malfunction.
Just my opinion tho

There would need to be more than one station, and they would be able to move as well as staying in other position (not following regular orbit).

Orbiting around the earth like the ISS or the moon.

And yes, it would be in the middle of space, and it would require control for where it is , where it would go, and how to avoid damage.
It would potentially speed up human travel to and from mars and can be accomplished by robots.
In other words, a well calculated procedure aimed to speed up the task of travel time, which, is the period of time required to travel to mars and back.

If you only measure speed in terms of meters per seconds or miles per hour, than you might run into some problems along the way.
The other solution is more sound and efficient, although the cost are not going to be cheaper in resources.
It would solve the speed problem, and the travel to and from mars length of time being too long at 3 years.

WTF? How do you think that having stations on the way would speed up travel? The issue with traveling to another planet is with how much energy you spend to accelerate and how much energy you need to slow down, and how many payload you’re willing to sacrifice in order to have that energy available onboard your ship.

Let’s say you want to move fast, so you carry more propellant to accelerate for longer and reach a higher speed, but then you also need propellant to slow down to your target’s orbit velocity, else you will overshoot it. Then, each kilogram of propellant, is one kilogram less of payload you’ll be sending out to that planet; this is why interplanetary missions don’t spend propellant to achieve a faster transfer between orbits, they just use a Hoffman transfer orbit which requires a initial boost (from a expendable rocket) and then the spaceship arrives at destination at just enough speed to be trapped by its gravity well and orbit the planet. On longer journeys, slingshot maneuvers might be used to further increase speed and reduce travel time. Using the Hoffman transfer orbit dramatically reduces the required propellant to the bare mimimum to adjust orbit and maneuver during the mission, thus maximizing payload at the expense of travel time.

So, having a station in the way would serve nothing. :woman_shrugging:

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Previous exploration attempts on earth were fuelled by economic reasons, like for example trying to find a shorter way to India by Columbus. So I am thinking what can economic reasons be for finding your way to mars. I cant find any, only that some research will be used here on earth for some other things, where aplicable. What can be produced on mars anyway, using only local martian materials? :thinking:

Basics for colony would be atmospheric gases. food and water, and energy. But what about habitation? Bricks made out of martian soil? Caves?

Probably the reason to go to Mars is not directly echonomical. What does Mars have that we don’t on Earth? Lower gravity, empty room, an unexplored world. The reason to go to Mars it’s people. The ultimate faraway escape. And maybe a life raft in case things go wrong with Earth.

It’s not echonomy, not initially. It’s the people. We got to go there because we can and we ain’t there yet. It will be very expensive, and dangerous, and challenging. But it’s a planet. Empty, untouched, virgin land. Why shouldn’t we go there if we can? Or, while we can?

The reason to go to Mars is to become Martians.

I dont get it. Doing that just for saying you have been a first human on Mars? First Martian? For me that is nothing worth the hassle. I would want to come back just right after touching the martian soil with my feet. Its a known world at this stage and really boring in its inhospitality. I am first and foremost a human, everywhere I go. I like some fresh air to breath, fresh water, trees, grass, everything what reminds me of earth. I would miss ability to walk without any cumbersome suit, lack of radiation or normal gravity not affecting my health. I would be human on mars, or human on moon, like I am on earth. Mars is not worth colonizing for me as a human. Some permanent base maybe, but that is all.

When future colonists, those who would be really crazy to stay there, when their physiology and mentality would be afected thru different environment, when they will create independent governing body, then we would probably call future generations different names. For now its just curious humans.


You don’t seem to get the reasoning that it would be possible to boost energy for speed and improve travel time.
Of course, if you nuke the thing, it would be harder to function, but it may be ground for war.

Additionally, besides the extra security concerns, if you did have a station along the way, or more than one, some , not along the way, but along another way, to speed up travel back, instead of having to wait to be on the way, again, and instead be on the other way, where it would be faster to start from than 3 years, if you did manage to make all this useless, i suggest you work on other things and leave my work alone.
It would be a shame to have to use security to protect those things against forfeiture to gain enough time to avoid bone problems.

Only station for future travels from eath to mars I imagine could be on the orbits of both planets. Sending only needed equipment both ways, and to surfaces.