And now the dark side of some people that 'enforce' Safety in HS


Out of?

Do you think it’s totally fine?

I think that I politely asked you a question related to your stance and viewpoints that you’re refusing to answer, which is definitely an amoral act.

I’m not your mother, use your own compass.

Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.

You’re correct, you’re not my mother, because my mother would never engage in forum grief-play with the sole intent of antagonizing the other party by making them feel bad about not being engaged in discussion in good faith.

Bad faith forum-ing is at LEAST a 69421

half the comments about me and my stream are false. I have undergone several days worth of harassment by the organization known as CORE. Coming after me in my stream, instagram, and twitter I can tolerate but being lied about and commenting things that are utter trolls and fabrications on my character I cannot. I stream daily. Stay for awhile and see for yourself if I am “toxic” and have righteously angry due to the non-stop barrage of stream snipers in chat and in eve that have made it their “mission” to declare a “private war” on me. One person and a dream. I just want to mine guys. Take your “mining permit” and do you know what with it. #freeEVE. Why do you think no one streams this game. CORE. They make it almost impossible for newer players just trying to learn and have a good time. I guess I should stick to the protected sectors but I guarantee you they have a zkillboard in one of those solar systems as well. The fact of the matter is simple. I stream to entertain and to have a fun time entertaining. I did not want the streamsnipers but regardless they are hear so I shall be toxic in return. I give what I get. I will always fight back

In every way except fitting guns to your ships and shooting other players, apparently.


we’ll keep you awake when you fight back.

The report button is a better option than a personal crusade, crusades run improperly can come back to bite you, while the report button cleans the colon and helps you move on.

After contacting his ISP, Lazar us has just announced to his stream that in fact there was no DDOS attack. He also said he respects me.

Stay for awhile and see for yourself if I am “toxic”

I shall be toxic

Why do you think no one streams this game.

I stream to entertain and to have a fun time entertaining.

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Some ships don’t have hardpoints to mount guns. Plus they have limited drone space. There’s zero sense for a ship with three drones and one hardpoint to have a gun in that hardpoint, no mining laser and have sentry drones and no mining drones - on a mining ship.
… some people in their beginning mining rigs cannot fight off a fleet of cruisers and a battleship.
Yet in come those ships in high-sec asteroid belts one-shotting you over and over and over each time they find you.
It can’t be for the minimal ISK they make, it can only be they are too cowardly to fly in low-sec, so they come in mass formation to high-sec to kill newbies.
Flipping over the Monopoly board is no different than rage-quitting. So when someone says they get the most enjoyment out of watching someone flip the Monopoly board over (more than playing Monopoly), that means they play EVE with the enjoyment of getting people to rage-quit.
There’s something wrong with that kind of moral compass. So much of what I have read in this thread is downright… mean. Not in-game mean, but mean-spirited IRL, even if it is a game that has some PVP in it, to get someone to rage-quit, and that’s what you take pleasure in… IDK, that says a lot about your character IRL.

My brother used to do that to me in board games (before I caught him cheating)… he’d laugh at me saying “Aw, go play with your Barbie dolls if you can’t take losing in a game, boo-hoo”…
I’m rather new to this new internet, so I don’t know some of the terms used here: doxxing, stream snipping… but that sounds a lot like cheating… like when my brother would be banker in Monopoly and slip extra money into his pile or an extra property when I wasn’t looking.
Then, knowing he was cheating, STILL took pleasure from winning and saying “You just don’t know how to play properly” or something like that.

… but how would one mine if they had guns and sentry drones instead of mining equipment anyway?

It just doesn’t happen, and the kill boards prove that. The average CODE. kill is worth more money than the average PL/Goon/TEST kill, and if you understand anything about statistics, you should be able to understand why this simply can’t be the case if they’re ganking day-olds in Ventures all day.

You’re buying into a myth. You’re doing it because it fits your agenda and perspective, and you’re also doing it because it feels good (because it gives you a convenient target for your outrage). But it’s still a myth.


always remember


no one likes to kill newbies
their ships are ■■■■
they look bad on killboard
wen i kill a newbie (because he shot me first ) and i see the kill im like … oh man :frowning:
wen i see a decently fitted ship, good number of kills solo iim like … oh boy …im the best :smiley:


I bought into that myth for a very long time, not because it fit my agenda but because it is inaccurate common knowledge. In other words CODE is so hated that they generate their own legends and their reputation is inflated by just about everyone in the game.
It’s kind of like other inaccurate things we’ve talked about like Concord being instituted to combat griefing as opposed to being part of the game from the begining. Only in this case it’s a bit more harmful as when you are trying to learn about your enemy you need accurate information, not inflated stuff.
On the other hand when I was still doing the tutorials, or maybe the Career Agents, I forget which, I was told by CODE people I needed to buy a licence or they would blow me up, I told them to shove their head somewhere unprintable and flew off. Obviously I didn’t buy a licence, I had about 0.8m isk at the time. What I did do was invest a considerable amount of time and effort developing a Venture that could take out a Catalyst, it’s a very very expensive Venture, it’s mining capabilities are nonexistent (without a Mobile Depot anyway) and discovered that even with a ship named I’m AFK, CODE is never around when you want them to be.


Just remember that players who have been around for a really long time, invested a lot of time in PvP and piracy and not only PvE-grinding, and are trying to help newer players develop an understanding of the game that will lead them to resilience and success, are all trolls who should be ignored at all costs because they’re sociopaths who are trying to get CCP to feed them easy kills, and want players who aren’t griefers like them to either play the game the way that they want or rage-quit after providing lots of tears.

If you don’t agree, then you’re not an ally of decent and moral people, but a scumbag just like these belligerent undesirables, and are also probably a teenage virgin with no job living in your mother’s basement, unlike respectable industrial players who usually have lots of real-life responsibilities and only a limited time to play the game every day, who shouldn’t be forced to deal with the toxic crap put out by these no-life gankbabies.

Oh my god, I had so much fun writing this.


I’m in awe. I want to see someone read that whole thing in one breath with no punctuation.


Lets not go from one extreme to the other. Life isnt black and white.

Anyway, whatever you have issue with, you can always ask CCP GM for intervention.

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