And yes, we are announcing big content updates for Fanfest. It’s the largest one probably that we’ve ever done

That fits with my topic here More itemised billing for features


I gonna use this, and I’m not gonna give you credit.

Deal with it.


This is why we cant have good things, this attitude is toxic as hell and often is the cause of games dying out

I remember reading a reddit post about CCP’s new game coming out soon and it makes sense why none of these content ideas CCP has had for eve has even been started.

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This. It’s in line with the final slide in the Living Universe presentation from Fanfest2022, most importantly the bottom banner: “Challenge the Core” - which I assume means the core of the game itself. The real return from the subscription fee up to now has been the accumulation of SP, at a pace of the player’s choice via the attributes and the implants, together with full access to all possibilities in the game. That is the basis of the richness in character variation and the choices one makes in the game. A huge part of the core of the game is choice, its necessity and its quality, with informed choice being superior - and part of Eve’s notorious learning curve. Take away the liberty of the choice and you take away the heart of the appeal of Eve Online.

How can that choice be taken away, especially in relation to skill point accumulation ? Let’s say someone dreams up a living universe instead, where the player is constantly challenged to partake in events, tasks, arcs, logins… and is led by the hand on how to “play EvE”. Some would call it an effort to turn EvE into a theme park, with a new alibi to couple it to SP accumulation, ISK accumulation, and apparently also IBC’s. Wasn’t that the overall mood of FF22, especially with the NPE casting a shadow over just about everything - building ships and donating them to new players for fixed rewards, come again ?!

Exactly what is an alternative to time based i.e., real subscription time based SP accumulation ? Could it be game time based SP accumulation via partaking in events, tasks, arcs, etc ? It would be in line with a “living universe” if you think about it for a while…

I am sure that many of the attendees and stream viewers were expecting to hear from ccp if the very tough few years we’ve just gone through (blackout, scarcity, etc) have led to improvements on the overall state of the game. And that they were equally expecting to see some exciting new features, even if it was only cat ears or a pirate dreadnaught. Or at least a few of the “fix the stupid” features that should be in the works (rats on gates, deleted asteroid belts in null, deleted ore anoms in hisec, etc). Alas, all we were granted was a message of “embrace the mystery, because we won’t tell you”. That is kind of hard to swallow after the last couple of years with beating after beating.

The real question for ccp is whether they think that “challenging the core” - in many of its aspects, from sp generation to communicating with the player base - is the correct way to go. They seem to think it is indeed the key to a third decade and the attraction & retention of new players. Especially the lack of communication with the player base about a road map is hurting the number of people logging in. The players are left with faith and trust to fill up their expectations of at least the same amount of “entertainment and fun” in the game they invested heavily in.

Perhaps the new generation of potential players is different from the one that EvE started with, in attitude and expectation. The danger with adjusting to that is that the developer will have to offer what can be expected from and therefore be similar to other games. EvE cannot be a competitor to other games, it never was. It is unique, both in its appeal of total freedom - that is now under pressure - and in its harshness. Those two qualities combined make it lovable AND niche AND fun. Those are the strengths it should play on for development and marketing, and not by challenging its core values. It’s simply too far removed from mainstream games to change. At least in my opinion, which is entirely my responsibility. Blind faith and hope aren’t qualities I have been provided with, not after these last few years.


Why train alts, when you can inject SP for some ISK. Its faster.

I wonder how they will solve the Cruel but Fair problem. Will they make some sort of formula that makes you ungankable if your fit and ship isnt worth much?

Perhaps NPC rats should visit trade hub stations more often.

Heh, I wonder about that too. And it’s worrisome, because up to now the decision on griefing versus ganking after a complaint was made by reviewing it on a case by case basis - as it should be, and with all the flaws and strengths of independent judgment. As we all should know, griefing is something with a level of maliciousness, intending to harm on a personal level. I don’t see how they can pour that into a game mechanic without touching regular ganking (and again reducing the choice and the freedom in the game). But then I’m not a designer, and am also low on trust :wink:
I wasn’t even aware that real “griefing” was a problem in hisec. Yep, clueless apparently. I do know that some very vocal players consider “ganking” equal to “griefing”, judging from the size and tone of the “Nerf Ganking Megathread”. I disagree, of course. Let’s just assume for the time being that the definitions aren’t about to be challenged, for the game’s sake and as a lesson to those who will always make unreasonable demands.

Obviously there is griefing, it would be very unlikely that there is none. Maybe GMs had too many tickets and their job being too hard already for that matter of tickets that CCP considers changing mechanics to reduce the load and improve the experience. The rules are CCPs ultimately.

Any game based system would have to halt the current method of not allowing a module to be used at all until you have at least Level 1 skills. After all…you cannot accumulate game based skills without fitting the module !

That means Level 1 would be redundant…and you’d get to Level 2, etc, based on actually using the module or ship or whatever. That would be far more akin to genuine skill.

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Perhaps Eve just needs more Lens Flare to brighten it up?

It worked for Star Trek no?

Hire J.J Abrams.

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all that glitters…

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In a world of FTP games, how do people honestly justify a game that charges a monthly fee, and then still wants you to spend big bucks to advance?
I find it beyond amusing that players actually try to justify corporate greed.

Many might have invested both time and money into Eve Online in the hopes for that opportunity simular to “The Bloodbath of B-R5RB” to unfold.

There are ads that make it sound like spending money will help you get ahead (and I hate them), but that doesn’t change the fact that you cannot microtransaction your way to success in Eve Online. Indeed, there have been many of would be wallet warriors that found this out the hard way.

Sigh, I’m sure the marketing guys like doing it because it encourages spending, but I would really appreciate it if CCP stopped leaving the taste of P2W in the mouths of new players.

Yeah, so raising prices is not proof of corporate greed. There are many reasons why companies would need to raise prices, and CCP not only has to deal with inflation, but has also been investing in other games. So, you can get mad that the price increase was too high, that they failed to justify the increase with content, or the fact that they might not have needed to raise prices if they had made fewer misstep, however… however it’s kind of ridiculous to handwave away everything I said as me just trying to defend corporate greed.

And I’m debating on if I should say anything, or how I should say it…

hrm… how about this…

Your accusation is laughably inconsistent with my actual real world politics.

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I have a feeling they will go with a dual sp approach passive sp gains that fill up an un-allocated bar + event’s and achievement’s giving sp amounts + that new currency that unlock’s special skin/mod’s.

I would not mind it too much tbh, I tried to get a friend to play a couple months back and his excuse was I am way to far behind to start eve now I will never catch up, I tried to explain to him that if you plan well you don’t need 100’s of millions of sp but I have a feeling a lot of players think the same way and this might incentivize new players to stay around.

As long as it doesn’t become too ez to catch up and requires a ton of active game play, that way its not shooting old players in the foot that spent years gaining that advantage.


I’m not really bothered about all the P2W stuff. What bothers me is that I’ve only been in the game 8 months and already CCP have moved the goal posts considerably in that time…and plan to move them even more. The one thing absolute, or even relative, noobs want in any game is consistency. To have to re-adjust every 5 minutes does not endear noobs to any game.


And if CCP made a road map?

Nobody would see it anyway. Plausible deniability.

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