Announcement: Demonspawn Banishing Temple Operational

I’m aware of your general line of counter-argument already, and don’t find it particularly convincing. If anything, all this song and dance about how blowing up a blooder Citadel is somehow playing directly into his hands is itself adding to the general drama. We usually do this with far less jaw-jaw, and a lot more war-war…

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And yet I do listen (against a certain amount of possibly solid advice) to Arrendis, whose opinions tend to be similar on a lot of topics.

It’s not your politics, Miz. It’s you, personally.

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I know. It’s almost flattering at this point.

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Not in the last three years, you haven’t. He makes his announcement, there’s dozens of posts of sturm unt drang about how terrible he is, and he laps it all up while pricing out the next one, even before this one’s dead.

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I prefer hypo-bureau-crisy. That’s where you yell at other people for getting creases on their clothes, but insist on keeping all of yours in a drawer instead of hanging them up.

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Regardless of your position, constant back-and-forth replying here only feeds him the attention he wants. If you want to argue, use mail. Let his threads die.


You’re putting a lot of weight on those supposed words of mine, Arrendis. I looked back at our conversations, and I’m not actually finding a bit where I said what you say I said. Maybe I did; I’m not 100%, but I’m usually a little careful not to say stuff I don’t believe.

Declining to try to pry you away from dearly held beliefs is another matter, though. Those words sound a lot more like you than me.

I also explained, in some detail, why your alternative won’t work.

But it comes down to this: you think he’s a troll. In this you’re mistaken. He’s a zealot, an intense believer in a really awful vision of God.

About the Amarr … you probably have noticed yourself that every society seems to have people in it who argue for the “hard choices” and act like everything’s zero-sum even when nobody really might need to lose anything, right? The Empire’s got 'em, too. Even arguably-benevolent motives can get pretty mixed and compromised. Especially when you’re trying to build a stable, functional, defensible “Kingdom of God in This World” without getting rolled right over by your neighbors.

(And then maybe you find, “Oh, hey! Coercion works pretty well for converting people; how could we do that on a large scale?” And away we go.)

The Amarr religious mission is to unite all humankind. I’d prefer they went about that the Pax Amarria way-- cooperation, persuasion. It’s not really a surprise if they haven’t.

It’s also not much of a surprise if people tend not to always absorb the lessons of history very well.

Arrendis, I share quarters with Praefecta Daphiti. I run errands for her, make her tea, help her look after her little one. I’m responsible for her security.

If her basic human decency and compassion were fake, I’m pretty sure I’d know by now.

Only, of course, you’re calling me an awful person, too. Well-- sure … I haven’t switched sides for the sake of the Matari or anything, or even just walked away. I’m still loyal to the Praefecta, even if the Amarr sometimes scare me a lot. And, being trusted, I’ve had to be quiet about stuff I’d once have really loved to talk about with everybody.

… an evil minion is me, I guess. Bwahahaha?

Only, do you really think that’s true?

You know by now that your moral condemnations don’t mean a lot to me. I’m kind of accustomed to them coming from all sides. So, your accusations don’t cut a lot.

So, who are you trying to convince I deserve to be despised? It isn’t me, I don’t think. Classically it would be the audience-- the silent ones, listening to us talking, but … there’s still a personal note to all this.

Is it you, maybe?

(You maybe shouldn’t expect me to make it easy, if so. I like you too well to want to be hated by you, even if that might make things more comfortable in some way.)


I don’t get why you feel the need to justify what you do, Aria. You have your reasons and that’s what matters :slight_smile:


Because she doesn’t want to argue it anymore.

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I would like to personally thank @Aria_Jenneth and @Lunarisse_Aspenstar for their invitation to their Chapel last evening. It was both educational and enlightening. Not to mention the discussion of esoteric philosophies was also informative.

In addition in talking with @Aria_Jenneth I wish her luck that this situation will resolve itself peaceably as intended.


Gods and spirits where are the block controls hidden now?


No idea. I somehow have managed to completely block Funk, but I haven’t found how, or where…


My monocle comes with a Stupidity Filter so I see nothing that Funk writes and about half of what I write.


Me thinks the powers that be may be behind the Funk blocking.


I think they might be deleting their posts themselves. Maybe. It’s confusing.


Funk had been crowing about how easy it was to remove all trace of prior statements when this new Galnet software went live.

If you wish to immortalize her lunacy, I recommend quotes.


Ayyy, someone else who’s played one of my favorite holos.

I swear, the image is relevant.

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Hey Ibrahim, I bet __________________________________, you know?

If only I could _____________________________________ .


I am literally an assemblage of garbage in a vaguely human form. - Funk, YC 119, in her trashcan