Recently, an acquaintance of mine, Coulter Phelps, has been named a Diplomat within the SFRIM organization. I have decided to take this opportunity to open up diplomacy with that corporation. I make the following demands of SFRIM:
Immediate cessation of all worship of the Molok the Deceiver.
All demonspawn children to be turned over to qualified demonologists in the employ of my corporation, Hoi Andrapodistai.
All SFRIM facilities to undergo demon banishing rituals under my supervision.
Any former slaves of Nauplius still the possession or employ of SFRIM to be turned over to me immediately.
Any Minmatar staff in the employ of SFRIM to be enslaved or sacrificed; any Minmatar pilots who are members of SFRIM to be expelled.
The corporation SFRIM itself is to be united to the True Faith by means of a public sacrifice of three Minmatar upon the Altar of God performed on behalf of the corporation by one or more of its officers.
Immediate cessation of all logistical aid to PIE corporation.
Restoration to Hoi Andropodistai of Citadels and fittings equivalent to those desecrated by SFRIM forces.
A public apology to Nauplius for all the crimes committed against him by SFRIM.
In return I offer to SFRIM: nothing.
Nothing that is, except the salvation of your immortal souls.
A wannabe Blooder demanding the cessation of worship of the #1 Blooder T-shirt icon?
I’m a bit out of the loop in regards to this… colorful character. What is his problem? Attention craving? Some kind of you’re-not-my-real-spiritual-dad complex towards Omir Sarikusa? Attempt at being unique with a totally different heretical cult? Good ol’ fashioned schizophrenia?
It’s kind of fascinating to watch, in a “what the hell is wrong with you” kind of way. Puzzling, too.
You seem to have interpreted my generous terms as a demand for unconditional surrender. They are not. Your Diplomacy skill requires additional ranks of training.
The Wrath of the God waxes strong against SFRIM. However, he is also a merciful God, and thus I extend again to you the terms of negotiation in my original post in the hopes that you might appease his Wrath by accepting them.
Even so, may the Blood Age come quickly. Amen. Amarr Victor.
All of these demands are unreasonable. If I were in a position to make decisions like that for the corp you might get 1, 3 and 9. No more. That and you offer literally nothing in return.