This isnt about JUST being disadvantaged in strength or ability. Ganking takes care of EVE game play as far as outnumbered and out played gangs jumping say freighter pilots and there is interesting game play here for both sides of the fight, carry reasonable cargo values and for the most part you go on about your merry way unmolested so as a freighter pilot you impact this give and take relationship with gankers, this is a good EVE mechanic because both sides have interesting game play options.
Contrasting this is the wretched game play mechanic of the current wardec system where one side has all the interesting options (the wardecing corp) and the corporation being wardec’d has no interesting part to play because alt-corp bootstrapping, corp quitting and staying docked up for weeks isn’t interesting game play.
I already said my solution for war decs months ago. Keep the current format, increase cost massively for each additional war dec and cap total number of active wars, as to make it not worthwhile to war dec small corps unless they offer some juicy loot.
This “solution” does absolutely nothing for the state of war decs and is a useless temporary fix.
When you put a cap on wars, you require the rule of not being able to war your friends or what they call “war slot filling”. Not only that you force CCP to have to police that which in turn makes them police botting less.
I earnestly hope this is the case but I personally feel that a certain amount of psychic inertia will hold back many current highsec players from forming large corps or alliances but again im seriously hoping that EVE players prove me wrong, id love to see many, many large corps and alliances in highsec space.
Not sure what you mean here, could you reword this statement.
I don’t feel this will be necessary. Also, I feel there are huge differences between player and npc corps with players in them.
Just some examples of many you could name are that a corp can kick people out it doesnt like, they can set the tax rate, they can define their goals as a corporation, they can choose what their logo looks like, you can keep people out of your corp if; for instance, they used to belong to a corporation or alliance you dont like, or keep them out because their security status is zero, or any number of other reasons you dont want them in your corporation.
I could literally go on for days why a player corp and an npc corp with real players in them are different, so I’m confused how you came to the conclusion that there is little difference between the two and further confused why you believe corporations will be nerfed.
Actually, when I build or sell it’s almost 99% no profit, firstly I build my own higher tier items, ships, mods, etc, so profit isn’t a goal, if I make a profit then ok, if not don’t care.
I just get whatever I need because I have accumulated enough that it doesn’t even matter anymore, I can build anything I need, I have bought in advance the materials to build whatever.
Having more then one Indy really helps, flying cheaper helps, I don’t want officer mods, I don’t need ‘top shelf’ mods, T-2 mods work perfectly, I use storyline mods when their cheap, if not, nope.
Considering the PIRAT allegations and the lack of action by CCP, it makes you wonder. As has been said before CCP uses whatever numbers make them look good.
Also, my war cap would be like 25 active wars. You got that many friends that are willing to pay up to keep yourself from really being war dec’d?
I would also like to see the price double for every 5 wars, so when you hit 20 the cost for the last five would be 800 mil/war.
You’ll have to forgive me for not remembering months ago, since i have a serious memory problem. I can see a problem already though with your suggestion, make a ton of aggressive corps to avoid the increasing wardec cost and just invite your allies into the war and nothing has changed.
Considering Highsec players are typically new players or treat EVE much more casually than its hardcore fanbase, it was creating a serious imbalance.
I get it, people think if they hold up new players as the reason why they want to get rid of wardecs that makes them look selfless and a helper of the weak. Unfortunately for them we already know new players are not the target so that doesn’t work and it turns out they just hold up new players as a shield because they are too cowardly to acknowledge that it is in their own interest.
Your argument starts nowhere, goes nowhere and ends nowhere.
The changes that ARE coming to the wardec system will benefit everyone in highsec old or new, including those people that are using the mechanic to shoot fish in a barrel.
People using the current game mechanic will be forced to make more interesting choices for combat engagements in highsec space and those that are being suppressed in their desire to form large highsec corps and alliances will be able to do so.
It will benefit some small corps yes. For any corp with ambitions to get a structure it will do absolutely nothing and that are probably most of them. Again, as I said in another thread. Everyone agrees changes need to be done, but this is lazy as ■■■■ and will do nothing in the end.
This isnt even an argument, so im guessing you understand the same thing I have known all along: 1) you were going to lose your debate with me even before we began and 2) you understand your counter proposal is so seriously flawed it would never work, nor would CCP even attempt to implement it since its flaws are so obvious.
You cannot possible know what percentage of corps or alliances in highsec will want structures. There are a lot of pve activities in highsec for which structures are optional even if you use them since others allow you to use theirs.
I have never owned a structure but i made 25-30 billion in the past two weeks using other peoples structures (you might wonder why i dont know more precisely how much i earned using structures and that is because i make a lot of ISK and pay little attention to a few billion this way or that).
I mention the amount of my earnings to express how much you can achieve in highsec using structures owned by others and I dont even have to deal with the hassle of owning a structure.
The short of it is, until the wardecs are changed we have no idea what types of corporations / alliances will grow in highsec or what usage of structures, if any, they will want.