What happened Salvos? First the CSM troll thread, then the I quit thread and now you’re trying to be incognito despite being more terrible than a Dracvlad attempting to get ganker tears.
You can’t even keep your word, and you expect people to have some form of respect for you?
“Another false quitter”…
I mean, you do you boo, but the fact that you were motivated to make this thread sort of seems to indicate that this person has a rent-free apartment in your mind right now.
Given that he hinted at disclosing afwul secrets of CCP and/or the CSM, can’t we go with the assumption that he got the Jamal Khashoggi treatment upon reporting to the local police station, before he had the chance to press confirm on the biomass?
We could do with an interesting tinfoil hat level conspiracy theory to keep the forum interesting. Alternatively we could go with a much more reasonable sounding “was committed to mental institution” conspiracy.