Anti Cloaking device

Scouting is a pro-active action rather than a defence I’d say, but certainly should be standard procedure.

They don’t help you when you end up on grid with someone out of bad luck. mwd/cloak is about the only active defence the hauler has that works.

Then fly with a fleet. Several people here have said if I want to catch people to fly with others, which i already do, why is it when it comes to hauling and using the cloak mwd trick it’s different.

It’s not different, and if you have a fleet you probably have an interdictor. That stops you no matter what I think?

There’s no need to remove the only active defence option a hauler has just for easier gate camp kills.

Theres no reason to have a way for a slow ship to escape several players with basiclly 0 skill required to do so.

Really, in null? You wouldn’t do it that way.

Don’t make stuff up.

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