No, because then you can farm multiple sites and make it profitable. The entire point is that you can’t make money using this, that it’s only for the incompetent idiots who can’t figure out any other way to play the game. Make it cost 10 million SP per use in addition to the ISK cost and you can have your full-system decloak bubble.
For the price of a ratting ship or two you can have the opportunity to hunt down the cloakers and defend your space. You still lost, but you lose on your own terms and managed to bring the fight to the enemy.
Note it’s still not safe for the ratter. It just provides the opportunity, at the cost of preemptively losing the value of a well fit ship, to engage the enemy who may or may not be afk or may be ready to drop reinforcements if attacked. After all, that camping ship is in the most dangerous area of space and should be awake, aware, ready to get to safety or engage the enemy with a standing fleet at all times.
You guys love your double standard of blaming the residents for not defending their space while at the same time having major issues with any efforts brought to bear to do so being at all effective.
No you can’t. You can have the opportunity to watch helplessly as they warp away and evade until your anti-cloaking bubble wears off. The intended use for this is not going to be aggressive, it’s going to be as a passive defense where the farmer sets up a no-cloaking zone around their ship and warps off as soon as anything appears (and at 100km it will be too far away to get tackle before the farmer warps out). This is why it needs to be expensive enough that it is not appealing for farming use.
You seem to have trouble grasping the concept of warping between safespots, and how a ship committed to full defense (as a cloaked ship is) is effectively impossible to catch. You also seem to have trouble grasping the concept that people will not be AFK in space for you to hunt them down, they’ll just log out instead of going AFK while cloaked.
Of course we know the truth is that you probably do understand these things, you just don’t want to admit your real motives. You’ve already admitted that you refuse to engage in PvP, so the idea that you’re going to hunt down anything is a lie. What you actually want is for it to be impossible to stay logged in while AFK, making local a more effective intel tool for RMT farmers and renter trash.
To stop derailing this any more, what I wanted was a way to decloak non cov ops cloaks on grid using active methods not passive.
Only if the camper is as awake, aware and active as his prey. I’m fine with that. At that point you have a game, a contest, a chance that one side or the other will make a fatal mistake. Blueballs online is dumb.
Yes, yes… it’s well known I don’t like the lame predatory PvP that makes EVE the premier home of mouth breathing baby eaters. That does not mean I won’t engage if there’s a reason, I just don’t like how pointless it is. Regardless, I have been known to fly with friends. As for staying logged in while AFK, if no one hunts them down, then there is no problem, right? Which is it? Is it impossible to stay logged in and they are being hunted, or are they not being hunted in which case staying logged in isn’t an issue?
You will be smacked with the idiocy of dragging drone swarms around, or leaving cans at the gate to decloak them. I get what you want, but you are up against people who can’t stand any risk at all in any form—if they are going to have their ship explode they will control every aspect of it with an unshakeable iron grip that cannot be challenged.
I would say a module that pings out too 25km with drones that can be assigned to assist other ships that have a ping range of 5km.
I also say quit whining and enjoy the challenge.
Draw back - De-cloak ping does not work in any type of bubble.
Why bother with something with so little range?
You are talking about an active defense to a passive module with essentially no real cost to use but a plex. Cloaks aren’t hard to fit, they take no cap, no fuel, and the only risk is you might have a finger cramp when you push the button.
The pilot trying to find one is having to actively fly a patrol, and you would need dozens at those ranges to cover a grid sufficiently that they would fall victim to anything but purest bad luck.
As we keep having to point out to you, cloaks only have no real cost if they have no real reward. IOW, if all you do is sit there passively and keep a name in local, something that is only a threat to RMTers and renter trash. If you want to accomplish anything with a cloaked ship you have to pay its prices: being restricted to a small list of ships (all of them weaker than their pure combat equivalents), a valuable high slot, and a significant penalty to lock speed.
It’s only a “contest” because you are ignorant of game mechanics. In reality it is no contest at all, just an exercise in pressing the “stay alive” button every X minutes with a chance of failure on par with the chance that you will accidentally press the self destruct button and lose your ship.
The ONLY effect your proposed mechanic will have is making it impossible to stay logged in while AFK. Even a low chance of success is enough when the target is AFK, so campers will have to log off when they go AFK. And that makes local a more valuable intel tool for RMTers and renter trash that need to know when to dock up and avoid PvP.
Yes, yes… it’s well known I don’t like the lame predatory PvP that makes EVE the premier home of mouth breathing baby eaters.
As we keep telling you, predatory PvP is part of EVE’s fundamental design concept, right from day one. I honestly have no idea why you stay in this game when your goals are so thoroughly opposed to what it is.
So then someone is trying to hunt these campers then? If so please explain why the camper needs to be 100% mechanically immune. If they aren’t being hunted please explain where the problem is. You seem to want it both ways.
I know the game mechanics. People use the cloaks the way they do because they are lazy. This takes away the hand holding and makes it so they can’t continue to be lazy without consequence, which is why you hate it, even though you claim it would change nothing.
The only change I ever wanted was for the effort to be balanced on both sides. I don’t mind being hunted or having to hunt someone else to bring about a desired result. I do mind one side having to jump through multiple hoops with ongoing active efforts to clear space and fly safe, and the other side pushing a button and checking their screen whenever they feel like it to see if the other guy got tired yet.
Someone MIGHT be able to. Even a chance of being hunted is enough to make staying logged in while AFK no longer possible. The camper needs to be 100% immune because they are already 100% immune while ATK, cloaked or not cloaked, so making it less than 100% immunity changes nothing for the ATK case. You aren’t going to catch them either way. But removing that immunity does two things to buff RMT botters and renter trash:
It makes local more accurate as a “dock up now” warning tool. Even 95% immunity is not enough to stay logged in, so now every name in local is an active threat and as soon as a player goes AFK they disappear from local and you know it’s safe to resume farming.
It gives an early warning system for an incoming threat. In many cases even knowing that a target exists is enough of a warning to dock up. For example, it might take an hour of careful probing to get a warpable result, but even that 1% accuracy result appearing on a 5 AU scan is an immediate WARP OUT NOW warning that a cloaked ship is on its way in. You won’t kill it, but you can certainly make it impossible to sneak up on you.
And again, note that both of these effects are about making it easier for RMT botters and renter trash to avoid combat by warping out before a threat can get close, and do nothing to help an active PvP hunter to engage a target. That’s exactly what we’d expect from someone who openly admits that they hate EVE’s core identity as a PvP sandbox and refuse to engage in PvP.
People use the cloaks the way they do because they are lazy.
No, people use cloaks to counter local (AFK cloaking) and to set up an attack without the target immediately warping out as soon as you get within 14 AU. Remove local and AFK cloaking will also disappear because it is no longer necessary.
I do mind one side having to jump through multiple hoops with ongoing active efforts to clear space and fly safe, and the other side pushing a button and checking their screen whenever they feel like it to see if the other guy got tired yet.
You can have equal effort when you have equal reward. Until then stop whining about the fact that farming ISK at such an obscene rate that it’s damaging the entire EVE economy requires more active effort than sitting idle in space with your name in local.
You forgot to mention you can’t DO anything while cloaked.
I’m going to say this again stop talking about afk cloakers as this is not what the thread was about. It’s for an active module that can decloak non cov ops ships that are within range on grid with you. The idea being so you don’t have to get within 2k which is harder then you think with only a handful of people.
The thing is it can’t be used in low/high because of it’s nature and in null you have anti cyno so it is kind of a moot point. Who cares about a cloak if they can’t pop a cyno?
People like to say “afk” cloaks because they think afk is illegal and therefore makes their point better. It’s a sign of butt pain, just ignore it
Cov op cyno can be lit even in systems with a jammer
Gate campers who want to catch a mwd/cloak ship at their camp is who. That would be the main use of this proposed module. The range is perfect for it.
mwd/cloak is literally the only defence those haulers have. It takes at least a little skill to do consistently and repeatedly, whereas thismodule simply shines abig torch on the fish in a barrel.
-1 from me, mwd/cloak is a gatecamp counter reliant on active pilot skill, no need to nerf it.
As I recall scouting is also a defense those haulers have.
It applies to all cloakers, not just the afk ones.
Frankly i’m surprised the thread isn’t closed yet. Many have tried to discuss cloaks and defense against them in the past, and no matter how hard you try it gets shut down and sent to the afk thread even when it’s not about afk.