Any news on why the daily SP reward got halved?

I was enthused with playing the game for 10k daily rewards, but at 5k I don’t think I’ll bother. I’ll go back to not playing until skills have trained up for something useful.

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It is true that it is better from 11th June, though I expect most people will not bother for a couple of days, though I do wonder if the system is counting from 1st June?

Yes that should be the idea, or it used to be. Because halving the active rewards goes against that.

I speculate that CCP has a data proving that the new daily SP reward system is heavily used, but the characters are often not sticking longer periods in game. It is likely that players were doing the daily SP on every alt. CCP probably isn’t happy with that so they want to force us to do it only on mains and to spend more time ingame over longer periods - a month.

For sure, for 5000 I am not gonna do it on alts anymore, so at least that worked :wink: .

It is back up to 10k.


Thats what they are basically doing with some stuff. Just after the 11th, not before. I know i read a few things were being done on a later date

Well, looks like they changed it back to 10K, at least until the 11th.

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Still a nerf in Equinox. At least for Alphas.

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You seem to be mixing up the ‘login XP’ (which is a free giveaway) with the Daily Opportunity XP (which you always had to ‘actually do something to get’).

From what I read, the login XP is going away, the ‘do something for it’ XP is getting halved, and there’s now a new monthly goal track so that if you do enough things on enough days, you can get back about the same total bonus XP as before. Or a bit less, depending on how much you got from the daily logins and opportunities. And the daily tasks may be getting longer/more involved.

“Spend more time in EVE for less rewards” has been the CCP way for more than a few years now. Some people are fine with that, others less so.

You and others also seem to be confusing the concept of ‘free’ giveaways. Games need players, and they need activity, or they die. Giveaways and login/participation rewards aren’t about ‘giving’ anything away.

They’re simple bribes to lure you to spend your time and attention on their game. They require the most valuable currency anyone has - their time.

It’s reasonable for players to give feedback on whether they feel a game dev is respecting their time or not. The best way to give this feedback is voting with your wallet or your feet. Devs pay attention to that. Or commenting on popular social media. Unfortunately, a game devs own forum is often one of the worst places to give feedback because they routinely ignore it.


I very much agree with the “vote with your wallet” sentiment. I have paid to play only sporadically since they raised the sub fees. I’ve resubbed for a month or two here and there but for the most part I don’t play because I disagree with the direction CCP is taking the game (i.e. coercion to move people into the null sec mega alliance meatgrinder). It’s not something I want to do and overall I just don’t enjoy Eve much anymore. I’ve really only stayed because my corp is filled with great people whom I enjoy.


How are they trying to “move everyone into the nullsec meatgrinder”? Most players live in high sec. It’s always been that way, and probably always will be.


So they are getting rid of the purple, blue, green and white SP rewards in the Daily Login Campaigns? Just the SP rewards or the entire system (bosster, filament, SKINs, etc.)?

Where exactly can I find this information? I see stuff about the AIR Career goals, but not the Login stuff.

Yes, all Daily Login Rewards are history after the 11th.


Same May 28 dev blog I linked above, ‘Stronger Groups enhanced goals’ section “Dominate with Updated Goals” etc.

“This new system replaces the current daily login rewards”. As usual, CCP framing what will be a nerf to many casual players as “significantly increased rewards”.

TBH the reward changes don’t seem that significant to me. Probably about an equal amount will enjoy them as many as dislike the change, and I’m guessing half the player base don’t even pay attention to them.

There’s no nerf.

Before it was do the in game daily for 30 days, get 300,000sp + I dunno say 75000 a month for logging in + a bunch of rubbish like calm filaments and skins

Now it is do the daily for only 12 days and get 285,000 sp or …

do the daily for 30 days and get 375.000sp which is what we had before.

It’s fine. Where’s the nerf?

OK it’s a nerf to the people who don’t do the daily. They lose their 75000 SP but comon, rewarding people just for logging in to the charachter selection screen and not even having to log into the game is kind of naff.

(I hope I’m not becoming a CCP fanboi. That would be embarrassing.)


Calculate the new bonuses for Alphas. And don’t forget to take out the 40-80k SP from the free dailies that will no longer occur.

The good old days of 3am alarms for skill changes :stuck_out_tongue:


Arthur_Aihaken Not interested in catering to Alphas. Get your wallet out.

was doing the dailies as with plus 3 implants the time taken to do the dailies gives you approx 5 hrs of sp a day on top of the 24hr timer and seems a nice balance of your game time but halving it to 2.5 which is even less with no implants just kinda sucks the fun away and i think most people will just ignore them which isnt what they intended

Then you were not doing them for fun but for reward. I also think that 5000 is quite low to the point it is not worth it anymore to specifically hunt these rewards (if there is no other mechanic as they claim they add). But I think the mechanic is very cool and gives players a motivation to do something. Something they would perhaps never do normally. And that can be fun. I admit I was having fun doing it, regardless of SP gained. But I only did a few days, I suppose that naturally after some time it becomes a routine and the fun goes away.