Any old-timers still around?

Is there anyone from the 2003-2008 era still actively playing? Anyone who I might know or might know me?

I’ve logged in after about 12 years of inactivity and thinking of giving the game another go. Hit me up if you’re from way back when!


hello m8

terje ring a bell


Alright there matey! I had a look at your old character last night and thought “nope, he doesn’t play any more”!


Welcome back

What region were you flying?

I left a few months after the release of T2’s and came back in 2018. Was part of the Black Guard back in the early days.

So know there’s a large learn curve due to the number of changes to the game (deleted skills, new skills, new ship classes and types, etc…)

Hit me up in game.

Hello m8 2003 player here

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