Any theories on why so many people have quit over the last 2 years?

You’re smart. You help improving the intellectual poverty around here, which is exactly what we need.

Well, the math checks out. Does it make sense, though? Did you ever escalate the numbers?

We are BORG, my designation is 1 of 10.

1 of 10 each, from a million people, are 100.000 people. If this game grew 100k people in a year then it would die. It would ■■■■■■■ die by it’s own weight. The cultural impact would literally kill it. BOOM, FINITO!

100.000 people / 365 are 273 people per day. That’s over two thousand people in ten days and almost TWENTY THOUSAND people after three months. Several thousand are fine when it happens every once in a while, when it’s a connected group of people, like (actual) Goons (Something Awful) or BRAVE (who came in from reddit). A culture joining the game as sub-culture, fully assimilating into it. Or more or less, at least, without actually threatening.

BRAVE is actually special, because it kind of kickstarted the drive for casuals. KarmaFleet (Hi Mooses ;)) and Pandemic Horde then did the same thing, more or less, though from my feeling KF mostly attracted carebears and farmers.

It’s something completely different, when it’s just random people with no connection whatsoever.


Also relevant:

The whole quote and study wonderfully mirrors how backwards everything is. It’s as if no one at CCP actually wants to make the game better! The only alternative is that not even CCP Hellmar remembers that it was part of EVE’s culture to shoot for recruitment.

You can-flip the miner, wait for him to cluelessly aggress you and then shoot you him down. Instead of mining him for tears, people talked to their victims and introduced them into EVE’s culture.

Adrenaline. It is that simple. I’ve “initiated” a few myself. :slight_smile:

I have to disagree here, because it wasn’t necessary for the most part of the game. Yet it worked out. The reason, again, is because those who got blown up got integrated into EVE’s culture. A new player doesn’t need highsec to learn how to survive, fight and fit ships in lowsec. For that he can go to lowsec. One of my “creative exercises for the unitiated” in NCQA is literally jumping into a corvette, heading to lowsec and getting blown up. What yellow parasol did a year ago (or two?), which netted me 25 million ISK from my “aggressors”, who were really nice people.

Many literally just pick you up and you start playing with them. At least it was like that in the past. I have my doubt it’s too different nowadays.

Think about it. Everyone who yells “griefer” never ever mentions how he himself actually reacted and what he said himself. When you get killed and you act like a whiny jerk, then you will be treated accordingly.

If just 10% of their claims about the game’s lack of growth were actually true, the game would have never gotten as far as it did.

Thank you.

/me tips hat.

PS: Sorry for the edits. wanted to improve it.