Any theories on why so many people have quit over the last 2 years?

That you, Tippia? :roll_eyes:

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I think we should focus on why we play Eve for the last two years :relieved:

I love how well this game runs on two screens. It’s totally seamless to reach over and skip a song or something or make a tweet

Eve’s ‘gameplay’ or the lack thereof is probably one of my favorite things. :smile: I can cut my drones loose and keep barely an eye on everything while watching Netflix. It’s awesome. I’ve always favored MMOs like this too, I’m not very good at super skill intensive games.

I’ve watched this game change a ton. Some good some bad but there’s no living, breathing world like this one on the market imo. The lore is on my mind right now too and for me, that was like my height in Eve was listening to the great works over in Hydrostatic podcast.



i think there arent any good mmos anymore
they all said oh the market changed and we ned to keep up with current trends
and then they just turn into garbage
because modern trends are a stupid myth made up by dumb analysts


Hard to say, maybe for some people, personally I have resubed and joined cva and have remained for more than a year, so quite a bit more consistent active (give it take breaks while subed).

So thats a factor what bond a person has in the game. I think have a bit of a turnaround in interest with new content, most of all the death of pos’s and releasing of citidels, things could improve, people who do sov warfare the most hate foz sov but no one is realy sure what should replace it.

What are the numbers from 2 years to now, ups and downs?

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Lulu what system do you live in? Just kidding :rofl: I too sometimes enjoy playing without keen situtational awareness.

You mention lore and podcasts, what about Eve Reader? So good.



Yeah love his work too :relaxed:


They wouldn’t have done that if we the customers hadn’t kept ponying up for said garbage.


I’ve still got her stuff.


Are you sure?

Because I was gone for the best part of 2 years before I came back last year & gate camps & ganking seemed (to me) to have practically disappeared when I returned.

It was almost 4 months before I even saw any CODE alts trolling locale chat?

I have quit and come back numerous times. I get burned out on EVE after a while. Right now I am in the Free to play mode, can’t really train anymore skills and stuck with just a Cruiser ship. EVE is still a pretty good game. I am just plugging away at increasing my ISK, and blowing up Blood Raiders etc…

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I think the game just needs a full reset like put everyone back at the starting line and see where things go maybe maintain some of the seeded market but allow a period of time for newer players to learn of the game download it and become addicted rather than facing scams and ransoms and ganks and blobs first couple of days and quitting. the learning curve of this game is arguably really difficult and can drive many away. convincing them to stay is the hard part.


I miss the pings :slightly_frowning_face:

Used to use it to identify other players alts.

Add a whole bunch to your watch list then wait & see which ones ping simultaneously with each other as they log in.

I actually identified one solo wardecers spy in my corp that way :roll_eyes::smirk:


I burned out in 2013 been on and off since…mostly off

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Have you considered the possibility everyone has just blocked you :smirk:

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I’m inclined to think it’s a lot of noise and lights, not the end of days. With the number of new players joining the game, I’m inclined to think the players we are losing are just bitter vets who have finally done what they had been threatening to do for years, and left.

For the best I think.

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Is richer the man who earns 10 and spends 8, than he who earns 50 and spends 49.

It’s not about how many people join, but about how they compare to those who leave. And EVE is losing players faster than it earns new ones.

Mind you, according to the first and last time we got numbers, it turned that the new NPE haves worse retention than the older one (wich probably explains why CCP Ghost is on radio silence).

And that wihout considering that EVE retention always has suffered from the poor retention and quality of the most easily accessible content, compared to how random and difficult it is to reach the high retention / higher quality content.

In EVE the easier paths end in easy leaving. That’s some cute retention policy for Gideon’s army, but for a commercial enterprise, it would be healthier if people were retained by the affordable things and the tough ones where just icing on the cake.

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Very simple:

For years now CCP has been moving away from its long term “choices have consequences” hardcore pvp sandbox niche and wanting to become more mainstream, more and more PVE focussed with more hand holding.

Being hardcore PVP sandbox niche focussed meant they had no competition so they had a steady, but not massive, group of fans. This worked out fine as a lot of players were very much invested into the game, willing to create content.

Now that they are more mainstream they have to compete with other mainstream games where people gobble up the (PVE) content and then whine because they want more of it. With customers who flock from one game to the next without any sort of investment and unwilling to stick around or put in the effort and time to create content.

So now that CCP has pushed away the long term invested content creators, which the game NEEDS as there’s little content in the game itself, they are forced to create their own PVE content which compares poorly to other PVE content MMO’s. The core of the game just doesn’t really cater to those people, now matter how much CCP tried to change the game.

TL:DR They were willing to give up their core&loyal customers in favour of possible new/future mainstream customers who just aren’t loyal enough to stick around in a long term MMO that doesn’t really suit them. Meaning that over time the game is losing more and more of its appeal and customers.

I made a post about this even back in 2008 (pretty much predicting Incarnage) and it’s been a slow but seemingly irreversible process ever since because CCP didn’t listen nor cared. CCP got exactly what they wanted and deserved: a mainstream PVE game just like the rest. Well done!


Or you know, CCP listened to those PVPers who kept demanding highsec be nerfed, and ended up killing the game by trying to cater to the ‘hardcore’ PVP crowd who really wanted to club seals rather than engage in challenging competitive PVP.

I.E. I too can come up with a wholly speculative theory based on an opinion and present it as a fact and attribute all the blame to CCP, without bothering to look at any of the surrounding information, like how MMO’s in general have been in decline for a year or so longer than EVE has, and that EVE is actually hanging onto it’s customers better overall than most MMO’s are.
When you take the decline of the middle class in the western world into account which dramatically drops the available market who have disposable income, and the decline of MMO’s in favour of MPORG’s and hero shooters currently as to what the market wants, it’s no wonder EVE has a decline in players, if it was simply managing to hold onto it’s current PCU it would be amazing. (subs we have no idea on)


No it’s simple fact and logic, for several reasons:

First of all CCP isn’t one uniform entity, it has changed over the years:

  • there’s the CCP who made the game (those were awesome and the reason the game was special, thus giving it a loyal fanbase)
  • there’s the CCP who consisted of people who made the game and some others who were still ok
  • there’s the ccp that mostly consisted of people who didn’t adhere to the hardcore pvp niche concept and wanted to make their own mining alts do better while focussing on WoD willing to kill the golden egg goose in favour of a new project. This resulted in the terribleness I, and many others, are talking about.
  • there’s the “oh crap” post-Incarnage CCP where they realised they done fcked up so they did some quick patch work
  • there’s the Seagull era CCP which is doing good things but ultimately is unwilling or incapable of retaining core players

Also the cost thing is nonsense. Given that EVE sub cost haven’t really changed in 14 years means that because of inflation it’s become cheaper and cheaper. And that’'s not even counting how much easier it is today to plex your account. Yes plex prices are hilarious atm but so is income and these days T2 ships and modules are MUCH more affordable than back then (due to T2 BPO).


CCP looked into this and found no connection between ship loss and players unsubscribing.

Obviously you will now pretend that you know better than CCP who actually looked at the data because of your special gut feelings.