I played this game starting in 06 up to a couple years ago. When I look back and ask the question you’ve asked, a few possible causes come to mind. I don’t really believe the causation as being RL or the game is old and tired. No… EVE for me is a spectacular game, even to this day.
First off - The toxic mentality of some players.
A developer once said something close to --> Players stay longer if they are podded in the first few weeks of playing. I’ve also read that some believe hi-sec was far more dangerous in 06,07,08,09 than is now. While I agree there were explosions, many explosions in hi-sec back then, the ships exploding were combat, not defenseless industrial and haulers. The players in that era were at war and they fought. Result was players engaged and interacted. Industrialist and the like were left alone, unlike today.
Now… there are multiple reasons happening at different times and years which lead me to stop playing EVE… now going on 2 years. BTW - as I type this, I’m on discord with other gamers who played EVE in the past. Several of which (long-term players) indicated to me they too, stopped for some of the reasons I’m posting below. By the way, the below is just a tip of several things, I could go back further to when we had T2 prints being given out by… well, lets just leave it here.
Slap 1 Ghost training - Gone because it meant more money for CCP. Would not have been a problem had they not advertised it as a feature at first. (see quote in #3) Make more money removing said feature (bug).
Slap 2 Slapping long term players in the face with belittling their efforts in training certain skills (learning skills) by removing them for newer players not patient enough to train them properly. (The instant gratification players.)
Slap 3 The whole “Greed is good” debacle. Can we all say Monocle?
Slap 4 The implementation of micro-transactions. See quote in #3.
Slap 5 Skill injectors, yet again belittling the years and efforts of long term players who trained years to get the skills accumulated. Yet again CCP catering to the instant gratification player in the name of (see quote in #3). What was wrong with players too lazy or impatient buying an old used up character from the bazaar?
I’m gonna stop here as I’m sure there will be plenty who disagree with everything I’ve posted here. It’s ok, I’m simply stating the reasons I removed myself from EVE with no intention of returning as I doubt the reasons I left will be reverted or addressed.
I say undoubtedly EVE for me was a game I enjoyed tremendously and feel today, beats any other spaceship game. I just can’t bring myself to playing the game again. Yes… I still read the forums from time to time -I have hope EVE will revise it’s stance of catering the pay2win and instant gratification crowd. Nothing wrong with respecting players who supported you for all those years and sticking with you during your… booting incidents.
and no… you can’t have my stuffz spread across 8 accounts. I’m still hoping for a miracle.