Any Way To Have Fun In This Game Without Grinding Yet?

Imo, anyone that would want to play with you is dumb.

See how that works?

He’s a good guy. Why would you not want to play with him?

I see you have a personal problem with me, but you’re not telling me anything new, nor have you presented an argument.

Best way for you perhaps, but not for others.

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We all have opinions and preferences.

Whats *best" for you, is up to you and you alone.

Again, opinion or not, do you have an argument against it? Do you have a reason for having a different one?

Keep telling me how it’s ‘my opinion’. I’ve already accepted this. It’s just as irrelevant now as when you first said it.

Sure, we all have our opinions and judgements. Doesn’t mean we cannot play with each other. We just got to respect one another and work out the differences.

Cos imo he is not a good guy.

I play with whom I want, how I want, when I want.

TBH, OP is an entitled idiot, Salvos remains an obstinate self-absorbed contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian, and my time is better spent playing Elite Dangerous right now I think.


EVE Online is not a sandbox game. You could define any game as a sandbox game. For example Quake 3 (another game glorified by middle aged children) you can jump into lava pits all day and claim thats sandboxing. Or shoot at walls all day and claim thats sandboxing. Now back to EVE Online. You could say that flying in circles is sandboxing. That harvesting asteroids is sanboxing. Try shooting at a wall in quake 3 for hours. That is very similar to harvesting a asteroid. Try playing vs bots in quake 3. There’s your PVE. Slap yourself for a few days before playing a match of quake 3 and pretend all those slaps bought the gear you will be using in that multiplayer match. in quake 3 the choices are limitless in your retardation just like EVE. A schizophrenic could turn a piece of paper into a sandbox and so can you in EVE Online.

Well that didnt take long to show true colors and escalate.

@Whitehound Still think hes a good guy?

So you do play with others. And what did he say?

So what’s the argument about?

Oh no! The obstinate self-absorbed contrarian is offended! Who would do such a thing? They are LITERALLY HITLER!!

Edit: for those reporting my post, in case it’s hard to tell, I’m referring to myself as hitler, and I’m being sarcastic. I know this won’t satisfy snowflakes, but I’m not in the business of pandering to you so whatever.

You’ve failed to see that you both play in similar ways, and failed to agree. Now he’s disappointed and you’re upset.

I’d say that’s understandable. (And a little crazy, because … HITLER :rofl:)

Guys, are you looking forward to getting banned again?

Largely now just through the market or incidental crossing of paths.

He definitively claimed its the “best way”, and those who dont are dumb + other insults.

EVE Online is a player-driven single-server sandbox game. You can do whatever you want to do. Literally whatever, whenever, wherever. While there are in-game consequences for certain actions against other players, most consequences are left up to the players themselves, especially when you leave the warm fuzzy confines of high-sec. EVE Online has been defined a sandbox game by literally everybody in the industry, and with any understanding of game, for fifteen years. It’s not just a sandbox, it’s THE sandbox that sets the benchmark for other sandbox games. No other sandbox game gives you, the player, as much individual freedom of choice as this one, nor does any other sandbox game make your choices in it as meaningful as this one. There are no arguments against this, it is simple demonstrable fact, and what you just posted was so ridiculous I don’t even know where to begin.

What does Quake have to do with anything?

So he’s a little bit judgmental and you’re a little bit sensitive. There’s worse than you two in EVE.

What I actually said was, if you’re looking for a game you can play on your own, making an account on an MMO is demonstrably dumb.

Also, I’m an evil, bad person who doesn’t deserve his friends and whom should be hung, drawn, and quartered, with the remains burned in case my evilness is contagious. Accepted. That’s still not an argument against any of my positions.

You never visit cinema? And never buy alcohol? :hushed:

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