How Do You Find Joy?

Some of us like to build while others find pleasure in destruction. But, it’s not black and white, is it?

The naysayers will always refer back to, “you consent to combat every time you undock.”

The same blokes who call others, “risk adverse” are the very players that risk nothing. A T2 Catalyst will set you back a few mil. The irony is out of this world.

But the heart of my question is simple. Does your idea of “fun” REQUIRE that someone else suffer?

I know it’s only pixels, but it’s someone else’s pixels!

Your true character comes out when no one’s watching.

If you’re one of those guys whose sole focus is to cause grief, you might want to do some soul searching.

Please don’t use the excuse that you “like to fight.” That you’re some kind of elite warrior. Everyone knows the difference between mutual combat and popping a hauler.

At the end of the day, you can chose to be part of the solution or part of the problem.

Pride. Do you have any?

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You know what also is pixels?


I enjoy shooting spaceships in this spaceship-shooting game.



It never has in this or any other game I have ever played.

The answer is a clear yes when it comes to @Zaera_Keena and @Felix_Frostpacker. :thinking:

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :popcorn:

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My enjoyment comes from other people doing stupid stuff. Whether they suffer or not while doing so I can’t discern.

i don’t partake in making others “suffer”. my enjoyment is helping people in game for isk.


I’m an angel

Frosty is my plaything


Yes, I’m not a true pure ganker but I do consider myself a well rounded industrialist that is a gank enthusiast.

I enjoy the hunt, whether it’s high low or null.

I think this game is divided into hunter and prey, I enjoy being hunted as well it makes me feel relevant. I don’t have time for poor sportsmanship.


Very true

Popping hualers is more fun because the hauler pilot is like

and PvP is like


@Smarter_ThanU I think that’s a tad bit dramatic.

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Certainly, it will. But in order to reliably gank even a barge you need 3-5 of them plus the cost of each Omega account, that of your Scout/Looter and the replacement modules for those which the Loot Fairy retains. Then there’s the optional cost of maintaining security status above 0 (Clone Soldier Tags), which I’ve used in the past. The Catalysts/Thrashers/Coercers, of course, are gone forever, however worthless financially you deem them to be.

My answer to your question is ‘No’. I shoot ships, not people. If the pilot of the ship is disappointed with his loss, I care not. I do not know what ‘fun’ is, in this context. I seek only contentment and satisfaction. Shooting ships in EVE is a guarantee of both.

My ships also get blown up. If I can take it, why cannot the miserable miner?

Your true character is easily deduced when you post negligently on a public forum, where everyone is watching.

Again with the side-step. The focus of my game is to blow up ships. Do you consider that your disparaging of my play style might also cause me to grieve? Should you not be searching your own conscience (‘soul’, it is not)?

Of course I do; that’s why CCP has allowed Duels, Limited Engagements - and Ganking in Highsec. All the bases covered, see?

The solution might be to blow up more ships. The problem - and this leads me back to the start - is the astronomical costs. Yeesh!


Joy in EvE Online ?
That’s easy:



So I build things, and pretend there is no PvP going on. Just wonderful harmony throughout the universe.

But since I can out produce and make better profit than someone else, I am in a constant battle with others in the market.

I also, help players on how to play EVE, but I do not tell them what market items have a high return that I am exploiting. That has to have a negative effect on someone too lazy to compete.

I rent an office, in a good location the rent is very expensive, and that action drives the rental fees even higher. Therefore, someone with less ISK cannot afford to rent there. So if probably hurts their returns,

EVE is set in a dys·to·pi·an universe.


Yes it is black and white. What are you building for ?

Your utter hypocrisy is akin to that of an arms manufacturer bemoaning that there are wars and pretending its nothing to do with them…whilst churning out the very weapons of war.

So don’t give us all this ’ I just like to build’ nonsense. The end point of all ‘building’ in Eve is destruction and if you manufacture stuff you are as much a part of that destruction as the guy who hits the F1 key.

Without pilots out there causing ‘grief’…you’d have absolutely nothing to build for as no ships would be destroyed and there’d be no market for new ships.


Q: How Do You Find Joy?
A: You run a locator agent on her.

:wink: :smirk: :blush:




@Wadiest_Yong as that answers OP’s question I guess that’s /thread then. ISDs might close it.

:innocent: :popcorn: :psyccp:


I don’t know anymore. Been obsessed with cleaning up MTU’s lately

EvE = Everyone vs Everyone

In a land with no rules, you consent being subjected to someone else’s subjective reality at some point in your travels.

IE: someone else’s idea of « fun » or « joy ».

There is nothing you can do and no moral highground you can take.

Take it, as it is.

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Many assumptions were made and very little thought was given to most of your answers.

If you enjoy blowing up ships so much, why not start a war or go to LS/Null?