Quick backstory this guy acted like god and banned me from making isk in his incursion group. Lied about me ingame etc I felt like Connor Macleod with that wooden crucifix in highlander being outcast from his village!. In this life or the next i will have my revenge ingame. Check out how many corp hops!
something a bit different i hope. If i broke any forum rules im sorry please delete. i have not posted in a very long time
You calling this sorry ass of a capsuleer your enemy gives him too much credit.
Create an alt, skill it, infiltrate, obliverate!
This is one of the primary issues with wardecs. The person has freedom to gain instant immunity no matter what the circumstances.
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So his so called “crime” was you didn’t get along in a PvE fleet?
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The border between the sandbox and CCPs harassment policy is nebulous, but if you push long and hard enough eventually you will get there.
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no he made up a ton of stuff and lied a lot!
no he made up a ton of stuff and lied a lot!
September 29, 2018, 3:52pm
Story lacks plot and ending. No popcorn for you!
(lulu smile)
October 5, 2018, 2:54am
I like this guy…he’s funny.
January 3, 2019, 2:54am
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