It would seem that the bilboards around stargates are broadcasting another message from Zorya Triglav. The message seems to be fairly similar to the broadcasts recieved by capsuleers who either fight with or against the Triglavians.
I was unable to get a clear reception, but the message seems to be:
We are Zorya Triglav,
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav outside the struggle.
Glorification await those fit to join the flow of Viraj
Liminal potential is divined amongst augmented Narodnya.
We invoke a proving of kybernauts via ancient domains
Guide and grant the flow and be fit for glorification.
Obstruct and mortify the flow and you will be extirpated
we speak for the convigation of triglav outside the struggle.
We are Zorya Triglav
While this message can be heard, there is also something playing in the background. I can’t make it out propperly but it seems like a construct or lense of some kind. What follows might look like a Triglavian gateway, leading to something I can’t make out.