[ARC] Breaking ++ Triglavian battle escalates in Amarr space


It would seem that the bilboards around stargates are broadcasting another message from Zorya Triglav. The message seems to be fairly similar to the broadcasts recieved by capsuleers who either fight with or against the Triglavians.
I was unable to get a clear reception, but the message seems to be:

We are Zorya Triglav,
We speak for the Convocation of Triglav outside the struggle.

Glorification await those fit to join the flow of Viraj
Liminal potential is divined amongst augmented Narodnya.
We invoke a proving of kybernauts via ancient domains
Guide and grant the flow and be fit for glorification.
Obstruct and mortify the flow and you will be extirpated

we speak for the convigation of triglav outside the struggle.

We are Zorya Triglav

While this message can be heard, there is also something playing in the background. I can’t make it out propperly but it seems like a construct or lense of some kind. What follows might look like a Triglavian gateway, leading to something I can’t make out.


Well … that’s disturbing.

It looks like they really are saying, “prove yourselves by aiding us.”

I wonder how the Triglavians look at questions of loyalty. Will they be troubled about the flexibility of a pilot who betrays basically all the rest of humanity for their own “glorification?” Or would they really regard loyalty as a fault, and naked self-interest as admirable?

I hadn’t gotten the feel from them that they might basically be Sabik with singularities up to now. . . .


And who can say that this is not a good thing for humanity on the long run?

We are younglings in New Eden facing the old guard. We don´t know ■■■■ in general.

The Jove left us, the Drifters do their thing crushing those who stay in their way instead of engaging in diplomacy, and the Triglavians invite us to some sparring so they can evaluate if we can handle whatever their war effort is all about.

One of the old ones don´t care enough about us to stay and help, they delegated the task to others like us.
The other old ones consider us an obstacle to their designs at best, killing when we meddle in their affairs.
The new old ones at least invite us to something that is important to them and actually communicate with us.

Perhaps our limited minds just can´t see with clarity that whatever is going on that threatens the Triglavians, may come to bite us in the ass if we don´t help them.

Plus, the perspective of expanding the limits of the known universe twice in a life time is just… moistening.

Where does the flow lead to?

I for one, am extremely curious.

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You know what’s a terrible way to ask for help? Attacking us. And let’s face it, if they’re in some all out war for their survival, starting another one against us probably isn’t a particularly smart move.

Expand the time frame.

You see someone with a high fever, delusional and in need of treatment to survive. That person is not cooperative, and in the middle of that, there are bombs exploding just outside the room you just went in to search for some things. The person is well built, and could probably help you on the long run, but at this exact moment, i seems a burden.

You could proceed in several ways.

  • Let the person fend for itself, leaving a note on how to survive and who knows, maybe even bump into you some other time.
  • Do what you need to do in the room and fight it if the person stands in your way.
  • Evaluate the situation and offer to join you, or tell them to get out of the way if not.
  • Restrain them and offer proper care until they are ok

Somehow i can see all of those options happen, happening, happened to us.

Time is an illusion that helps things makes sense so we’re always living in the present tense. (But who knows about them?)

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You’re reaching pretty far in order to make excuses for the Triglavs and it’s a little worrying, if I’m being honest.

I don’t know if it’s naivety, wishful thinking, or something else entirely, but whatever it is, it’s pretty much unsupported by anything except assertion.


Well, the room is reeeeeeeeeeealy important to the ones staying there, i won´t deny that.

Some just wonder what lies outside the door, others will cross it.

Known Space, Anoikis, Abyssal Space… what else?

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There’s a difference between leaving home to strike out into new and unexplored territory, and declaring war on your homeland once you’re outside its borders. I’m all in favor of new discoveries, new horizons, and broadening both my own scope and that of humanity…

But the responsible explorer does so from a sure footing, with their eyes on the dangers ahead, and they don’t scorch the earth they left behind.

From one angle it may appear as war against your own people, from another, perhaps, it may look like a restraining so that an unpleasant medicine may be applied.

Exploring and “Sure footing” in the same sentence is an amusing concept. :thinking:

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Spoken like somebody who’s never encountered a frozen lake.




Be advised that the Triglavian have changed their combat protocols. During fleet operations ARC has noticed that previous tactics to draw their fire are no longer effective. Our logistical pilots have also reported that the Triglavian ships switch targets faster and start applying their firepower almost immidiately after switching targets. This has been encountered in both major conduits and at the Observatory flash point.

Though this poses no immidiate threat to ARC fleet operations to seal the conduits, we wish to spread awareness to other captains who fight these invasions.

ARC is currently reviewing it’s tactics to fight the Triglavian forces at the Observatory. In our latest engagement the ARC fleet suffered some losses and was forced to leave the field shortly after destroying the Triglavian dreadnought.

As an additional warning, be advised that the beacon to the stellar accelerator now leads to the Observatory flashpoint.

(ARC Fleet Commander)
(CONCORD Loyalist)


Then it´s not exploring, it´s crossing a frozen lake, with the concept of what a frozen lake implies.

The first ones actually exploring the lake probably got wet, the rest are just crossing it, not exploring.

Anyway, it seems the word exploring is several things, so i´ll stick with where the flow of Vyraj lead to and the process of getting there.

Well, I’m gonna keep obstructing and mortifying that flow, thank you.


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