[ARC] Evacuation effort for Turnur

Sometimes war hounds bark more than they bite. Mikal on the IGS is one example of this. He still bites when it counts, however, so the Empire keeps holding the leash.

With the approval of House Sarum given, the Atash e Sarum Vanguard offers protection to all purely civilian evacuation and humanitarian flights within the affected systems.


Ret Gloriaxx - Desperate Evacuation Efforts as Turnur Star Instability Continues:
Capsuleer evacuation efforts have successfully evacuated many thousands from the inner planet stations, as well as from planetary colonies on Turnur I, but have been the cause for some conflict with Amarr militia extremists. Nevertheless, the Turnur I Republic Parliament Bureau has been entirely evacuated of non-critical personnel, with most of its services shutdown due to the station operating with a minimal crew complement.

Look, I was promised ‘immediate retaliation from the Amarr militia’. I’ve checked: there has been no retaliation against me, my crew, my corporation, or my alliance. I know I accused you of flying for Napkins, Aldrith, but I didn’t expect to be that accurate when I did.

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Before providing an after action report I request that the taunts, jabs, racism and warmongering is taken elsewhere. There may be a time and place for that but it is not here and not now. With that out of the way, here is my report:

The fleet started forming at 19:30 NEST in the station of Ammold V - Republic Military School. The fleet that departed for Turnur consisted of:

  • 2 ships that would light a covert cyno, with 1 positioned in Turnur and the other in Eifir;
  • 7 blockade runner transport ships;
  • 3 Black ops battleships;
  • 1 Strategic cruiser.

Upon entering the system of Turnur, the evacuation fleet split up in 2 groups. The 1st group would focus on transporting as many people as possible from the Republic Parliament Bureau station near planet I and the Republic Security Services Assembly Plant near planet II. The 1st group would transport these people to the Boundless Creation Factory and Freedom Extension Storage stations near planet III. The 2nd group focussed on transporting people from the planetary custom offices near the planets I, II, III, IV and V. These people were transported to the stations near planet III. None of the people who have been transported by either group were transported against their will.

During the evacuation fleet efforts, multiple evacuation runs out of Turnur took place. To minimize the risk and stress on the body and mind of evacuees and crew, the fleet used a conduit bridge to move the evacuetion fleet from Turner into Eifir. From there it was only 2 gatejumps to the system of Ammold. Evacuees would be taken to the Republic Military School station near planet 5. The evacuees would there be entrusted into the care of partners of ARC who run the freighter refugee base ‘On the Way Home’ in the very same station.
After a short break to rotate crew when needed, the evacuation fleet would undock again to use a conduit bridge out of Ammold and back into Turner to continue transportation and evacuation efforts.

While one blockade runner was unable to be present for the full duration of the evacuation efforts, this was compensated by capsuleers in Turnur who assisted to ferry people further away from the star. This allowed the ships that were capable to use a conduit bridge to perform more evacuation runs out of Turner and into Ammold as initially expected to be possible.

The news that the Turnur I Republic Parliament Bureau has been almost entirely evacuated with only a minimal crew remaining certainly is most welcome. It also gives hope that all who would want to leave planet I, have been able to do so.

At the time of writing, I and other volunteers from the evacuation fleet are still present in Turnur. I am docked within the Republic Security Services Assembly. I will wait untill 16:55 NEST, on the 2nd of November YC 124, before leaving the station and I will transport any remaining crew further away from the star before the deadline expires if they so desire.

While the exact nature and consequenses of the upcomming major stellar event are unknown, preparations have been made to continue travel in and out of the system, should the stargates stop functioning.

To all individuals and organisations who have put in the effort to help relocate and/or evacuate so many people and/or are standing by as first responders; I will forward the same message that I received shortly before the evacuation fleet began:

“May your ancestors smile when they see you today and on all days, till the day of your death.”

(ARC Fleet Commander)


Oh, you’re still here?

Butchering minmatar rebels isn’t a crisis. Here in Eugidi, we just call that Tuesday.

The next time I read something from you that sounds even remotely possibly maybe similar to this statement, you’re going to learn exactly how bad the bite is.

Ooohhhhh, better snap-to, Aldrith! Your common-as-dirt Gallente master is displeased with you, your Lord Consort-ness.

This aged well.

I haven’t been able to help with evac efforts. Greatly appreciate the folks that are doin’ it though. A part of me can’t help but wonder if Vard and Egmar should be proactively evac’d as well.


I’m getting the feeling that yes, we should begin preparing for that.

Vard & Egmar have temperate planet populations.

Fortunately, neither system’s temperate worlds are as close as Turnur I was.

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I would imagine it would still destroy them. Blast them with radiation so badly that anything living would fry, at least on the sunny side.

We don’t really know. Turnur II doesn’t seem to have had that happen, despite the reactive gasses in its atmosphere. Radiation thins out over distance, after all.

Give it time. Parts of event were clearly superluminal, but there may yet be ejecta in transit. Or not. We’ll see.


How can the EDENCOM Defensive Initative help, evacuating the other Star Systems ?

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