[ARC] Joined operation request to the Empires, EDENCOM and loyal capsuleers

I speak for the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization with the consent of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.

The Weaving of Pochven continues and Cladistic Proving through the Dialectics of the Concrete is in effect. Conditions within Pochven are evolving towards the optimal for continued development of human potential within the Struggle.

There is no requirement for “mass evacuations” at this time. Organizations with a history of experimentation with forbidden hive-linking, and associations with capsuleers in favour of forbidden hive-linking and domination arrangements, are not welcome in Pochven. Attempts to seize Aspirant Narodnya and remove them from the Proving will not be tolerated by the Clades.

Interference in the Weaving and the Struggle is poshlost activity, and Proven Kybernauts are exhorted to defend Pochven from infection by forbidden hive-linking and dominance ideologies.

Subcommander Seriatim Foucault