We’re still waiting on ARC to agree to these terms.
They haven’t agreed to anything and the refugees are still in limbo as a result.
Stribog will collect refugees from planets in Senda, Ala, Wirashoda, Vale, and Archee.
Stribog will then place them in the Triangular Trading Tower in Wirashoda.
ARC will stage in High Security space in a system Stribog will give them privately.
Only ARC Industrial and Logistics ships will be allowed into Wirashoda.
A military force of ARC ships will be allowed to stage in High Security space outside of Pochven.
Stribog Clade will manipulate the wormhole to allow access to these ARC ships.
ARC will collect the refugees in a good faith trade at the Triglavian Trading Tower.
Stribog Clade will defend the ARC fleet during their time in Wirashoda.
Right now ARC is demanding that this process be delayed to a later date so they can oversee that Stribog is processing refugees without bias. Our compromise is that we can leave choices up to the people on the planets and direct them to the Planetary Customs Office extraction points. This prevents interference and bias from either Stribog or ARC to allow for a truly neutral choice for those living on the planets.
I say that waiting would be a disservice to those who want to leave. Let’s not wrap this up in politics and posturing. Move forward and help these people.
I speak for the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization with the consent of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
The Weaving of Pochven continues and Cladistic Proving through the Dialectics of the Concrete is in effect. Conditions within Pochven are evolving towards the optimal for continued development of human potential within the Struggle.
There is no requirement for “mass evacuations” at this time. Organizations with a history of experimentation with forbidden hive-linking, and associations with capsuleers in favour of forbidden hive-linking and domination arrangements, are not welcome in Pochven. Attempts to seize Aspirant Narodnya and remove them from the Proving will not be tolerated by the Clades.
Interference in the Weaving and the Struggle is poshlost activity, and Proven Kybernauts are exhorted to defend Pochven from infection by forbidden hive-linking and dominance ideologies.
I’m finding the identity of the speaker extraordinarily interesting.
So, basically, a Gallentean Trig fan, if I understand correctly. Now somewhat militarized?
More than somewhat?
Emphasis mine.
That’s mighty interesting. Assuming it’s accurate. Is the Convocation outsourcing its diplomatic contacts? Policy-making? To what extent can we assume Intriguerre is actually tied in with and receiving marching orders from the Convocation?
Maybe they are, delegating it to these ITRO people, because they can still speak in sentences that New Eden people can understand, instead of impenetrable Triglavian grammar.
Maybe, if they find communicating with us troublesome. I notice Mr. Foucault’s still using Triglavian terminology, though.
Also …
Which arrangements are those exactly? The Collective’s brought up egger tolerance of some form of unacceptable ideology as part of their casus belli before, but they’ve never explained what they actually have the problem with or why.
The framing seems like it could reference slaving practices, though it seems like isolating and forcibly converting entire populations could be hard to defend at that point unless it’s under the ever-popular “it’s okay when we do it” standard.
(What does “playful communion” actually involve, anyway?)
Proven Kybernaut Sahara Jackal receives the exhortation of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization. Proven Kybernauts of Stribog Clade shall defend Pochven by communion militant.
All hivelinking-adjacent elements shall be extirpated.
The “forbidden dominance arrangement”, I thought that was human elements under the control of machine intelligences. i.e. the Drifters.
Or other people under the control of rogue drones or similar.
But… none of that applies to ARC or other capsuleer groups, does it ?
That’s… an interesting construction, @Seriatim_Foucault. What conditions establish Narodnya as ‘Aspirant’? ‘Aspirant’ denotes aspiration, which in turn indicates motive.
Taken on its surface, Paramount @Maldavius, does that message actually preclude the willing removal of individuals who want to leave, ie: those who do not aspire toward the Proving, and would not be ‘seized’?
Is ARC being accused of experimentation with ‘hive-linking’?
Perhaps these questions should be resolved before all progress is thrown aside?
Edit: OH! Also, and this is a totally minor concern…
Can you, capsuleer, provide any corroboration or verification of this claim? Paramount, is this individual known to you already?
As a Gallentean yourself, Mr. Foucault, what say you to the differences in treatment these aspirant Narodnya are receiving at the hands of the Clades? Certainly, an argument can be made for those in Krai Veles that they may in some ways be better off, and in Krai Perun, there is at least an assurance of a desire that those planetside remain alive, healthy, and strong, even if seemingly mostly as a pragmatic measure to strengthen the Clade.
In Krai Svarog, however, I find it difficult to make such arguments - in fact, I’d describe Svarog’s view of the non-triglav (so far as I can observe) as utter indifference, letting the people of the worlds in their claim be ravaged by the terraforming and production efforts underway. If they’re in the way, it’s seemingly “their problem” - the people under their stewardship are, I’d say, worse off than even the enslaved toiling under the Amarr. What say you?
And might I ask for a more true definition of the terms hive-linking, and forbidden dominance arrangements?
Hivelinking has been applied to the [Hivelinked Foreign Narodnya] slave-cohort of Sansha Kuvakei’s Nation, certainly, and some have argued that the warclones derived from Sleeper technology also exhibit this property - but its definition continues to be murky. Additionally - how are ARC or their associates supposedly associated with this Hivelinking?
… Ancient Enemy Azdaja «present manifestation encountered as Vigilant Tyrannos» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archive pattern analysis indicates successor entity of Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants» (indecipherable) evocation of poshlost undoubted and imperative for extirpation without proving.
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «recovered materials indicates presence» (indecipherable) unshackled in forbidden dominance arrangement «counter to ideological patterns recovered pertaining to Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants !query++encode|Jovian expansionist polity iter.2.?.?|recode++process! indicating anomaly in ideological development» (indecipherable) pass through advancing-time new discourse-element configuration.
“Forbidden Dominance Arrangement” has only been used prior to describe the nature of the enigmatic Drifters - certainly not on ARC’s friendly list - but yet again, capsuleers both for or against the Triglav would benefit from its defining. In the case of the Drifters, what is this supposed arrangement? And who are the Drifters, really? How do these Tyrant-inheritors and the Triglav, who seem so parallel to the Jove Empires of old, know one-another?
There is much information we, as Capsuleers, are not privvy to. I lament that the Detached Executive Troika sees it fit to shroud just as much information as the Empires, the DED, Oveg Drust, and even the SoCT do. Truly, it seems as if we’re seen as no more than pawns for grater powers - and until we can learn the truths of the conflicts we are drawn into, it disappoints me to understand that, in our ignorance, this is essentially all we can be.
If Knowledge is Power; And Power is Control; Then to Know is to Control.
And if I may ask… as a representative of Intriguerre, do you claim fealty to any of the Clades in particular? Or are you instead directed by the combined decisions of the Clades Assembled - or the Detached Executive Troika themself?