[ARC] Joined operation request to the Empires, EDENCOM and loyal capsuleers

This is the Mahazkei, Field Commander of the AMCC Block “Steel Coyote”, I speak with the consent of the people of the forsaken world of Skarkon.

Those among me who I have visited in my time here have made the cognizant choice to leave this world, provided as many possible results as to what may occur should they choose to follow through, and have remained steadfast in their decision to remain with us.

Your Aspirant Narodnya have questioned your logic, and have chosen to challenge it in a proving of possession. I, as their representative, and manifestation of their will, respond in kind to that challenge.

I act in singularity in accordance with my madness of will. I extend this challenge on behalf of the people I have sworn to take.

Whether you respond to this challenge is irrelevant to me, for they are taken, and unless you wish to take them from me, they are not yours. Nor anyone else’s.