I wonder how much of what you have said will turn out to be true, Ms. Malitia. It is not clear that the Triglavians actually have a concept of “civilian,” and their reaction to attempted evacuation suggests: not so much. They’re now “Aspirant Narodnya,” apparently.
My assertion that Triglavian forces are hunting State citizens is based on the following: it is clear that the Triglavian Collective continues to regard certain systems, the “minor victory” systems, to be “the Forest of Glorification,” and has continued raids there. In addition to casualties among the actual defenders (State citizens, military or not, EDENCOM or not) and passing eggers, it is highly probable that they will seek additional targets, especially long-term. There’s a lot you can take-- harvest, if you like-- from such a place: resources, materiel, people. Their proxy, himself seemingly a traitor to the Federation, has just directly threatened planetary assaults.
It’s interesting to me: the Triglavians haven’t historically dealt in concrete threats of this kind. It’s been “such and such or be extirpated.” Pretty vague, but I guess usually sufficient. Now apparently somebody’s figured out that at least some capsuleers actually care what happens to civilian populations, which lets them try threatening these.
Which, is about the most elementary thuggish tyrannical tactic in the big book of thuggish tyrannical tactics. “Resist us, and your people will suffer.” It seems like the people usually have a reasonably good idea of who’s in fact responsible for their misery, though. Nobody much likes a bully, after all, and the Caldari even less than most.
Now it’s starting to look like there might be an opportunity, if not to save the people of Pochven, then to avenge them. ARC’s work is likely over for now. But ARC had friends (outside its small core, it was always mostly made of friends, really), and having seen what you did to the evacuation fleets, I’ve never been so eager to watch someone’s home burn.
It’s time you learned how it feels.
See you in space, Malitia-hnolku. Hopefully many, many times.