What a fascinating enterprise.
But tell me–where has your rescue flotilla been for the last eight months?
Skarkon was one of the last systems to fall. Why, when the Collective first arrived in Skarkon for reconnaissance, did you not evacuate ALL the civilians immediately? Why were the lives of those citizens not valuable enough to save in advance?
Instead, eight months go by before you organize your contribution towards rescue–and at the exact moment it is most politically expedient for the Empires to do so. What a coincidence!
Moreover, I fail to see why the remaining citizens of Skarkon deserve “rescue” in any case.
The people of Skarkon underwent a Proving, as is only right. Those exhibiting poshlost noemata were expelled from the flow. Those who embraced the sobornost noemata now walk the path of Glorification. Who are you to deny the Triglavian victors what was rightfully earned by valor and sacrifice?
News of your foolhardy plan has already entered the Cladeflow. The call to repel your poshlost incursion has sounded, and the kybernauts of Stribog Clade stand ready to Prove you once again.
Sahara Jackal
Glorified Kybernaut
Director of Diplomacy
Stribog Clade