[ARC] Joined operation request to the Empires, EDENCOM and loyal capsuleers

In before Arrendis says something else demeaning. These are the actions of an honorless pilot. No horse in the race, just wants to come here and throw rocks

Well, let’s review what was actually said, shall we?

“it could”. Not ‘it is’. Not ‘You fool, this is all it was’. Just ‘it could’. Offering an alternative explanation to refute your absolutist claim that it wasn’t security.

Now, if you want to claim that I’m gaslighting—that I am ‘manipulating [you] by psychological means into questioning [your] own sanity’… wow. That’s a hell of a claim. Are you really someone who’d question your own sanity when someone points out that ‘well, we don’t know’ is not an authoritative claim of ‘NO IT WAS THIS OTHER THING!’?

Are you that weak? Is that really the direction you want to start bleating now?

No, it’s really not. Delve’s settled into a long stasis for the last five months, and the attackers proved incapable of reinforcing a jump bridge or a single cyno jammer, even with 2:1 numbers tonight. That’s not burning. Not by any stretch of your overactive imagination.

Nah, I’d already said a lot of demeaning things about you by then. I just hadn’t hit ‘send’. :wink:

No horse? Really? You’ve called me a liar, and then claim I have no investment in the discussion? Guess we can add that to the list of lies, too. And the list of whines.

Not exactly covering yourself with Glorification here, my little bleater.

This wall of text is nothing but pebbles bouncing off my heat shield. The fingers type furiously but nothing is said. Just the same recycled lines.

If it was, you wouldn’t have felt the need to respond. The very fact that you felt the need to tell us all how little you care tells us to add it to the list of lies. The smart bleater’d shut up now. I doubt you will.

The only question I have is whether this will be the end of the … not discourse, because nothing is being said. Verbal masturbation? I mean it is really just you playing with yourself to feel better. Whatever “this” passes for, the only question is whether this nonsense post will mark the end or whether your transparent need to get the last word in will prevail.

55 new messages.

So, ARC took an evac fleet to Pochven. One of those ships was infiltrated buy some Caldari dude in order to drop a strike force. That ship’s dead now.

We got 55 messages about that, including details such as circumstances in which a raid landing zone needs temborary buildings and a completely unrelated battle in ■■■■■■■ Delve.

Can y’all now ■■■■ off to the off-topic thread?

I want to know what happened with the actual ARC fleet.


They blew up.


Well … I’m not sure how many people we got out, if anyone. We had a good few minutes of peace before the kybers showed up in force, so, hopefully-- but … yeah.

Not a lot of transports made it.

Future operations might need to go by blockade runner or something, if there’s even anyone to rescue with the Collective apparently deciding all the people in those systems are contestants in their game.


Except… I don’t see any actual ARC members on that list.

ARC ops tend to mostly rely on friends and well-wishers, ma’am. I was with them as a scout, for example.

ARC provided most of the ships, so. . . .

Ahhh, thank you for clarifying that.

Well, would you look at that. It panned out largely as I predicted.

That Intriguerre bod even used “Perfidy!”.

The detection of contraband on one vessel, being the excuse to destroy all, shows something of the trigger-happy nature of the Trig elements. If they had been really serious about the whole affair, they’d have said “Halt. Contraband detected. Explain yourselves.” and allowed the diplomats some time to explain. Instead, a general order to open fire on all.

Overall, a not unexpected outcome.

My pleasure, ma’am.

It’s part of why someone abusing trust in this way stings pretty sharply. Goodwill and shared curiosity is kind of what keeps ARC alive, so … yeah. Rough day.

You must misunderstand. The ARC forces were declared unwelcome due to their history of experimenting with Sansha technology and corrupting a Svarog strike force. Discovering an assault force in the wreckage was just a fun little surprise, evidence of ARC’s incompetence when it comes to managing their own volunteers (again) at best, or their duplicitousness at worst. Had Subcommander Foucault not interrupted negotiations, things would have gone differently.

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(deleted by poster)

I would say future ops might need to start relying on proper precautions, including but not limited to runners.

“Neutrality” does not mean you should not defend yourself. Pacifism in face of violence is being complicit in that violence.

But I’m not ARC.


I have concluded my investigations conducted together with @celltear, Diplomat of Kybernaut Clade.
During the hours after the incident we interrogated Zoe Anneto, pilot of the Tayra carrying the assault force destroyed at the hands of myself and Jamal Frederick of Stribog Clade. at first she bluntly denied all accusations, going so far as to state:

“These scans and reports have been fabricated, the transport ship was carrying civilian vehicles for the use of peaceful planetary evacuations.”

This narrative crumbled quickly under further scrutiny and interrogation. Later, she admitted that there were indeed armed forces aboard, but that they were not an invasion force but instead

“security forces to secure an evacuation zone and escort civilian vessels”

However, after being confronted with evidence gathered from intercepted messages between Zoe Anneto and the ARC communication networks, she eventually confessed to using the humanitarian aid convoy as cover for a planetary assault. She then made a statement containing the following:

“You cannot invade something which you rightfully own, you liberate it, and if we happen to get some new materials and technology from the occupying forces once defeated, all the better.”

“This was only the first wave, brave men and women ready to give up everything for the good of Caldari and for the profits we can make from retaking a world from those who would defile it.”

Thus, she has been found guilty of one of the more serious war crimes known to man; armed combatants posing as humanitarian workers with the intent to conduct attacks on the surface of the planet. This kind of trickery is truly unworthy of capsuleers, no matter on which side of the conflict they stand.

As for ARC’s involvement in this action, it is unproven that ARC’s leadership was aware of this action, and based on the aforementioned messages I deem it likely that Anneto acted alone. However, as ARC were the organizers of and had command over the fleet, they are guilty of gross negligence at best. They had full responsibility over their fleet members actions, the least they could have done was make sure that all fleet members acted according to the plan. Especially considering it was ARC that previously insisted observers were to be present at all times. Further investigation is up to the clades, as they still have a large number of marines under interrogation.

Ruubz Raubzen
The Wormhole Police


ARC will release their own formal statement later.

Lasairiona Raske
Head Diplomat
Arataka Research Consortium


In any case ARC prove once more that they are just edencom.
Thank you for free training

Kybernauts of the Perun Krai will continue the extirpation of Poshlost activity in our domains.
Calamity shall await those who break the flow of virage.

Kybernauts sub clade tolerates no inordate usurp of Aspirant Narodnya undergoing proving and thus continue to foment the ancient domains.

We have made our stance clear,
The fate of the Marine’s and hostages lies in your hands,
DutchGunner, we await your response as per sent message.

Glorification awaits the Sobornost,
Extirpation awaits hive-linking capsuleers,

Kybernauts Sub-Clade