I am conducting my own research on the triglavians, you seem to be having considerable luck at finding these new pockets, could you enlighten me as to where you have been having the most luck? is it only in the chaotic portions, or have you found them elsewhere?
We can verify retrieval of the following datastreams, and relay them here.
Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN4
Repeated-time realization from cladistic proving of augmented foreign narodnaya invoked by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has evolved the direction of procession flow. Convocation requires winnowing of all discourses operating as elements in relation to augmented foreign narodnya through semiosis.
Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow has expanded mandate in sobornost to receive outcomes and invoke prayers for response evocation proving of augmented foreign narodnya in playful communion over advancing- and repeated-time with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN4
Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN5
Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Augmented Foreign Narodnya «encountered augmented human entities within singleton format ranges exhibit varied allegiance profiles» (indecipherable) reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archive pattern analysis suggests allegiance profiles conform to diverse scattering of points in scatter-volume model of civilization development» (indecipherable).
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «specific augmentation profile commonality involves utilization of biological construct enhancement with cybernetic adaptation for personality-level command identity submergence» (indecipherable) cladistic proving invoked at reverse-time and in now-time subject to repeated-time bifurcation of flows in advancing-time.
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «forms of contact should be followed» (indecipherable) prayer shall invoke cladistic proving to achieve glorification. Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow with (indecipherable) «continue to next evolution of sampling» (indecipherable) in the proving of noema within the flow of Vyraj.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AFN5
Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV4
Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle invokes now-time imperative on Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow to winnow through semiosis all discourses operating as elements in relation to deviant automata and corruption of vila autopoiesis. Convocation consent-lock on the noema of poshlost against the noema of sobornost with deviant automata is in decay-flow unfolding mortification on advancing-time cladeflow across (indecipherable) branches.
Detached Executive Troika has now-time imperative mandate to achieve metaxy by circulation of contradictory discourses through semiosis and force relations proving. Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has evoked consent-resolve of Paramount Strategic Troikas of Perun, Veles and Svarog for this mandate.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV4
Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV5
Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Deviant automata «encountered manifestations exhibit range of autonomy profiles» (indecipherable) reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «organizing principles place highly against archive pattern analysis indicating upper ranges of autonomy for distributed artificial entities» (indecipherable) threat of corruption of vila autopoiesis.
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «requests for comprehensive threat profile modelling are impinging on control norms for testing and analysis» (indecipherable) the consent-lock has invoked now-time imperative to establish noema with (indecipherable) metaxy. «Isolated testing and analysis will be carried out by» (indecipherable) «control measures will be used in recovery» (indecipherable) detached Navka have imperative to return to the domain of Bujan and offer procession to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «difficulty of meshing foundational culture motivations with distributed artificial entities» (indecipherable) «despite countervailing measures from higher functions of entities the success of reconnaissance pulses and surveillance scatter indicates continued work to evolve relationship» (indecipherable).
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream DAV5
Edit; Pilot Bjorn Tyrson; chaotic abyssal depths are the only place these have been encountered, so far. Some of our pilots have encountered multiple shipyards. I’ve only just successfully encountered my first.
well, I guess I know where i’m going to be spending the rest of the night.
At this point, we have currently authorized a 250m bounty per sample of the semiosis conduction console technology. As pilots continue to encounter these shipyards and refine methods of safely retrieving the consoles, the supply has continued to climb.
However, with the SCC having restricted market and contract functions associated with this, which complicates matters.
https://youtu.be/Wd-j_st1J4M i think this help to scientists to study the structure in more detail. and do not need rewards. it’s in the name of science and maybe our survival.
We now have confirmation of multiple instances of Svarog Clade bypassing normal neocom protocols and directly evemailing holders of Svarog Clade semiosis conduction consoles with this video. Transliteration is underway. Pilots wishing to assist or double-check our work may wish to use last year’s key.
More as it develops.
I would also like to reiterate my thanks to Mr. Rostov for providing materials and excellent footage of the sites; likewise, my thanks to a certain anonymous pilot for additional footage; lastly, my thanks to pilot sigfrd for providing additional semiosis conduction consoles and trinary datastreams to ARC for our shared work. It goes without saying that our shared work would be impossible without the assistance of pilots such as yourselves.
Newly acquired:
Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA4
Prayer of the Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow has evoked procession from Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle that requires winnowing of all discourses operating as elements in relation to the Ancient Enemy Azdaja through semiosis.
Detached Executive Troika is granted mandate in sobornost to invoke countervailing imperatives without reverse-time proving. Convocation affirms imperative on Detached Executive Troika to maintain playful communion over repeated-time with Clades Assembled and Subclades Militant and Technical.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA4
Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA5
Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:
Ancient Enemy Azdaja «present manifestation encountered as Vigilant Tyrannos» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «archive pattern analysis indicates successor entity of Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants» (indecipherable) evocation of poshlost undoubted and imperative for extirpation without proving.
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «recovered materials indicates presence» (indecipherable) unshackled in forbidden dominance arrangement «counter to ideological patterns recovered pertaining to Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants !query++encode|Jovian expansionist polity iter.2.?.?|recode++process! indicating anomaly in ideological development» (indecipherable) pass through advancing-time new discourse-element configuration.
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «reinforce request for countervailing measures to be undertaken» (indecipherable) «continue with surveillance and proceed to next stage within predicted time horizon for effective action» (indecipherable) submit to cladeflow.
– Partial translation of Triglavian Trinary Datastream AEA5
Outstanding preliminary work.
I am unable to succesfuly navigate chaotic designated abysal space.
I have however been running several fierce and ragging sites and failed to encounter any such assets. If no information is still an accepted form of information then I conclude that should these structures only exist on the most difficult abyssal plane, one might extrapolate that they of exceedningly high sentitivity.
Situational prognossis implies necessity for the heaviest possible deffence.
Are these structures targetable and is there any sign of internal or external damage?
Hello friends, it’s been a while.
A mail received by an anonymous capsuleer, apparently sent directly from the Svarog Clade, has been successfully decoded. The mail contains a fluid router link to a short video. The text in this video has been decoded by myself, with assistance from @Uriel_Paradisi_Anteovnuecci. It reads as follows:
time horizon
The video appears to show a blueprint of some kind, or at least part of one, although I leave that up to more experienced heads than mine to debate.
Excellent work, Kalaratiri, Uriel!
Based on this and other data indicating overall size, engine configuration, hardpoint locations and size…That looks like a Triglavian designed capital size ship. A dreadnought, perhaps?
Very likely, since unless their efforts are towards a carrier of FAX of some sort - which I doubt - I couldn’t imagine what else it could be at that size.
Shame, it takes T5 to obtain one of these new relics, I can’t prove myself and cure this damnable condition…
What Kala linked above was our translation, resulting in three separate messageparts being pulled from the file. I’d expect more to materialize in coming times, which would lead us to further insight on the intentions of Zorya (Detached Executive Troika) and the apparent capital vessel under construction that has been glimpsed in the deepest-yet accessible depths of the Abyss.
The parts themselves actually come from the newly found datastreams - are we gaining access to their “cladeflow”? Two are from AEA5 and one is from AFN5.
Additionally, Datastream AEA5 has some fascinating implications.
Ancient Enemy Azdaja
«present manifestation encountered as Vigilant Tyrannos»
This confirms the accepted identity of Azdaja, alongside the billboard intrusion.
reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable)
«archive pattern analysis indicates successor entity of Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants»
This bit demonstrates that the Collective has come to the same conclusion many of our own have, that the Tyrants follow and take up the mantle of the Tyrants of the Second Jove Empire. We know little of the later history of the Second Empire, but it is known that it was established by Miko Bour (the “First Tyrant”) and his followers, the Tyrants, through unifying the scattered Jove enclaves of the First Jove Empire (of which we know even less).
The far-flung Jove Enclaves were invited to join, and most did, but those that refused were met with harsh response by Bour’s faction as he ruthlessly united the race - ushering the Jove into what is widely regarded as their golden age. During this time, the “Ruling Chamber” of the Tyrants, comprised of a chosen member of each Enclave of the Empire, was established by Miko Bour as a way to establish legitimacy for the ruling position. The position of “Tyrant” was from then on granted by the members of the Chamber to one of their own. Beyond this governmental history, however, we know extremely little of the Second Empire or its fall, and of the fate of many of its inhabitants - though we can draw certain links to other known Jove splinters.
The Drifter operating body, “Vigilant Tyrannos” has echoed this part of Jove history since their first appearance, as they are “seemingly inheritors of the legacy of some of the most ancient Jove” - something that was connected to the Tyrants quite rapidly within my regular circles.
The fact that the Triglavian Collective recognizes this same link, alongside the need for knowledge of Sleeper Encryption Methods for the invention of some of their assets, suggests that they may have a ancestral link to the Jove in some way. When these definite humans entered the Abyss, and what their reasons were, remains entirely unknown.
(indecipherable) evocation of poshlost undoubted and imperative for extirpation without proving.
And here we see that the view of the Drifters as poshlost remains unchanged, and that this state is imperative for the forced removal of their forces from the Abyss without proving them in any way (as they are doing with us).
Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable)
«recovered materials indicates presence»
(indecipherable) unshackled in forbidden dominance arrangement
«counter to ideological patterns recovered pertaining to Jove Empire of the Chamber of Tyrants !query++encode|Jovian expansionist polity iter.2.?.?|recode++process! indicating anomaly in ideological development»
(indecipherable) pass through advancing-time new discourse-element configuration.
This entire section is tantalizing - deeper knowledge of the Jove is demonstrated through the “Jovian expansionist policy iter.2.?.?” listed, suggesting deeper knowledge of and links to the Jove race on the part of the Triglavians.
“Recovered materials indicate presence” and “??? unshackled in forbidden dominance arrangement” are extremely interesting, given that “unshackled” is a term that has only been used in relation to the “Unshackled Overmind” rogue drone swarms found in known space, suggesting the breakaway of the Drifters from something else (seeing as they emerged from the Sleeper civilization’s ruins) and that these unshackled are in violation of some rule, as they are in a “forbidden dominance arrangement”, whatever that may mean when being stated by the Trigavians.
The Drifters, whatever they are, are demonstrating ideological patterns distinct from those of the Tyrants, indicating anomalies in their ideological development, as the Triglavians observe - again, we don’t have enough context to place the meaning of these words, but we can guess that these “unshackled” in their “forbidden dominance arragement”, taking up the mantle of the Tyrants, display behavioral patterns that are different from the Tyrant patterns the Triglavians somehow know of (and which suggest past connections between the Triglavians and the Jove we know).
Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable)
«reinforce request for countervailing measures to be undertaken»
«continue with surveillance and proceed to next stage within predicted time horizon for effective action»
(indecipherable) submit to cladeflow.
And this last part, which’s quoted bits are present in the Svarog communique, state that countervailing measures are being strongly urged to be undertaken, likely against the Drifters. Continuing with surveillance and proceeding to the next stage within the predicted time horizon (time on the horizon, near future(?)) for effective action is stated, but again we need more information to know what it all means. Submitting advancing-time discourse element (interpretation, discussion, argument etc on a subject) to the Cladeflow is progress in Triglavian thinkings and doings on the subjects at hand, adding predicted/suspected things to their shared informationflow.
AEA5 has been very illuminating - I’ll continue to watch happenings, and I’ll add analysis of the other new additions soon.
I wonder.
If the data we’ve received today was intended to go to holders of semiosis conduction consoles, could it be that those are intended to be components of the vessel under construction? This is to say, could it be that we’re seeing periodic updates to the cladeflow?
Could be it’s their equivalent to our comms network.
Zorya are using discourse analysis; it is a known science, related to text linguistics. The essential difference between discourse analysis and text linguistics is that discourse analysis aims at revealing socio-psychological characteristics of an individual or groups rather than text structure. Semiotics studies the role of signs as part of social life, its a sub-division of social psychology. In short, Zorya are attempting to profile the various groups, based on the sum of their words and actions.
Specifically looking at the “dominance arrangement” I can’t help but think about why it’s forbidden, and by whom or what. Was there some prior agreement between the Collective and the Drifters in the past, or as Uriel had mentioned a previous Jovian polity? It could simply be a condemnation of the Drifter’s methodology in achieving… whatever ends they may want, or it could be a combination of both.
Pilot Ev0l Hireling identified the mail header RElSRUNUSVZFIDQ as Base64 encoding. Translated, it reads as DIRECTIVE 4.
What exactly this means is unknown, but it also ensures we have another clue on how precisely the Collective communicates.
They use corpses under some kind of remote control. I can see that as a vilified dominance arrangement.
4 hours later I found one… didn’t go so well, thats a LOT of leshaks. not sure if my ship is properly set up for this. you seem to have been having success with them. would you mind sending me a message with some info on your fit, and some tips… I’m not eager to repeat a close scrape like I had again.