Yes we know that the filaments open a Loop-Conduit, could it be possible that Kostorg is a conduit to their home? After all they can’t just live from one loop conduit to another can they? There is clearly a massive empire behind the driving force of the Triglavian’s and even clans among them. No capusleer has ever seen the home of the Triglavian Empire, and what if that first exploratory vessel that was sent in by Concord, what if it was not destroyed? What if, instead of blowing it up, it was pulled into the Triglavian home conduit and welcomed as a first contact? There is still much about that we don’t know or have. We only got a display, a diagram, and rough footage.
I tend to be curious if the Filaments were originally meant as the trial… You enter, go through three gates, and if you lived, you were given access to their home. Again Concord are the ones that interfered with that did they not? What if they rigged them to redeposit capsuleers and pilots back into the real space instead of giving the Triglavian’s a means of showing a truth?
There are many questions still to ask and many ideas floating in my head. Some I dare not say for sounding too… conspiracy driven I would say. Last thing I wish to have happen to be laughed out of this Summit for having wild and insane theories.