[ARC] Semiosis

I’m assuming you’re using a spectrum analyzer to assist in the equalizing? If so then I’ll probably have to try seeing what I come up with.

When I say I had no idea what I’m doing, I meant it.

For me the tool that was most useful was a “visual” equalizer where you drag dots around to adjust the levels of various frequencies. Zero out most frequencies over around 1200, and you can boost the Triglavian voices while damping down the painful screeching. The “lever” style equalizer would also work, but the graphic style is a little easier for fiddling.

I was working on the entire file at once, which I now see as problematic because you end up with “too much averaging” to get things audible while not ear-splitting. Focusing on just the very beginning, for example, it is possible to get a much clearer “We are the Zorya collective” than I ended up with in the video linked above. I am hoping the same will be true for the last ten seconds.


I have been using a spectrum filter to try and visually identify what frequencies are there, but I’m no audio technician so I fear it will be down to someone with greater skills than I. I’m hoping what I’ve found so far will help others decipher this though :open_mouth:


If it helps with those doing the voice analysis. Typical human speech range is the 3000-4000 hz range, this is why typical hearing loss from noise exposure makes speech discrimination more difficult. You may be able to filter out more reverb, echo, or other distortion by targeting the speech range.

The Caveat of course is I don’t think we know if Triglavian anatomy is still close enough to our for that to be accurate, or if their suit and/or suit speakers change the frequency. Worth a shot though, and I hope it helps.

I was focusing on the end sequence, cut it out, cleaned a bit and I think the last 7s is something like:

“…many/none (?) of us must be illuminated. We are embarking (Heaven’s children) (?) of God. Low/no control…”

((EDIT: https://instaud.io/3Ctp ))

The Zorya speaks in a somewhat synthetic voice, so I’ve found that the frequencies are lower. However, the “normal” human voice that appears in the transmission does get dropped by doing this.


The last statement is “embarking for the star for all mankind.”

I am Very Confident. Lirbiss gave me “embarking.”

Addendum: embarking for the star

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By the way, I met my cousin today who is kind of a hobby historian, and he said that “Porevitium” comes from “Porevit”, which, he believes, has the same language origin like other Trig entity names - Perun, Svarog, Veles, and even Triglav itself. Porevit would be some representation of power and force, or perhaps something else. But then he said: “Yeah, it’s clear, ‘Porevitium’ is the material with the power and force of the 5 heads!” “What? You mean 3?”, I asked. “No, 5 for sure.” To be honest, he was completely drunk.

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Sounds like Isogen-5 to me!

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Studies show that the EVE Gate was built to artificially keep open a natural wormhole that led to our New Eden cluster.

Is that so? I remember the studies showing the Gate was constructed in anticipation of the natural wormhole closing, as natural wormholes are known to do. The artificial one was constructed, in record time, to make up for the expected closure. In fact, those studies suggested one potential cause of the calamity was the natural wormhole reappearing in the middle of the artificial one.

Have there been “new” studies?

The point of the EVE Gate is to artificially prevent the natural wormhole from closing in the first place. It didn’t create a new, artifical wormhole - it was simply meant to prevent the natural wormhole from collapsing.

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Human speech range is from 300Hz to 3000Hz. Creating an equalization for that range made the audio much more audible than before. Still can’t understand what the video says but it’s much more audible than before.

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A new Datastream has been recovered in the DAV series, DAV6. This new sample includes instances of strings found in recent Semiosis intercepts:

Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow dialectical semiosis flow (indecipherable) follows:

Deviant automata «classification and testing has confirmed wide range of autonomy and sentience profiles» reverse-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «within upper bound of sentience profiles the distributed artificial entities represent» ancient time noema «opportunity/threat paradox at the civilization level» (indecipherable) consent-lock decay.

Now-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «resolution of threat profiles and modelling of opportunity branches is complete within acceptable variance» (indecipherable) detached Navka have returned and procession of their offering to the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle has been grounded in metaxy (indecipherable) «the procedures for co-operation are being refined» (indecipherable) consent-lock has been broken.

Advancing-time discourse-element (indecipherable) «in deference to the concerns raised by Koschoi the procedures for co-operation will require the authority of the detached Navka to be acknowledged according to moral norms applicable to sentients» (indecipherable) extirpation imperative is extended beyond poshlost undoubted to vermin and corruptive threats to vila autopoiesis.



Well, that’s… am I reading what I think I’m reading? If I am, well, that’s a couple of serious bombshells.

Not only do the Triglavian consider the Rogue Drones sentient/sapient/sophont (whichever term is most appropriate), or at least to have displayed behaviour meriting the classification… but they seem to be making plans to for co-operation… presumably, with us.

It looks like they have decided that some of the Rogue Drones can be reprogrammed in effect, but others are too dangerous and must be destroyed. The DAV datastream only refers to Rogue Drones.


That makes more sense, upon re-examination. I jumped the gun a bit, so to speak… the reveal of the Xordazh has had me on edge.

Which bits lead you to ‘reprogrammed’?

Indeed, none of the language here actually indicates that co-operation with the Rogue Drones involves, or for that matter, requires, reprogramming.

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