Fellow Capsuleers
I am glad to announce the release of the fourth issue of the Triglavian Primer, dealing with the patterns and preferences of foothold systems in Triglavian invasions:
The Triglavian Primer: Triglavian Foothold Systems - Patterns and Preferences
We look deep into the data Ilm Gaterau first started to gather months ago and whom ARC supports with analysis and by continuing his data collection until today.
The latest Triglavian Primer tries to offer a prediction model for the targeting of certain solar systems as footholds. A high risk group of solar systems is derived from the analysis. Also, the issue gives a deep insight into the classification and nature of our beloved stars which guide us on our daily quests - however small or epic they might be.
The results will be instructive for our future plans on how to deal with the dire situation we face. This extends to CONCORD and we urge officials across the cluster to further strengthen and reinforce system defenses in those solar systems from the risk group.
Hopefully, we see you all with us in future research endeavours. My sincere thanks go to our allies and supporters who made this research effort possible.
Haria Haritimado