Are Sarum Family and Carthum Conglomerate affiliated? They have the same colors

Are Sarum Family and Carthum Conglomerate affiliated? They have the same red and gold colors. Just curious if there is anything in the lore about it.

It appears yes: this news article from 2008 describes Sarum as a major shareholder of Carthum:

However, additional stress has been placed on the company largely due to problems with its two largest shareholders, the Lai Dai Corporation and the Sarum Family.

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Cool, thank you for this

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  • hare Holders: Sarum Family 35% / Ducia Foundry 20%
  • Activity: Hi-Tech Construction
  • Partner: Sarum Family

During the reign of Empress Jamyl Sarum, the corporation has become a completely national and strategic importance. The controlling shares were completely transferred to the Sarum family. The family has vested interest in the Amarr military and the armaments industry. After that, the color completely became the same as that of the Sarum family.

Red = Memory of spilled blood in battles. The Sarum family has earned its greatest title due to its exploits of generals and soldiers. Not thanks to wealth and words, but in practice.

Golden = Holiness and purity of faith and soul.

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