So in the real world, if you retaliated against some one shoving or pushing you, you would be defending yourself right? You have two options to run or fight. This is simple psychology. Fight or Flight.
So why in the world in EVE has CCP decided that bumping is not considered assault?
CCP prides themselves on mimicking real world. That would include the aggressor becoming hostile and the defender being allowed to retaliate. Now we are not saying the aggressor becomes criminal, but, yes, they are very suspect in game or real life.
So the EVE mechanic is very Bass Ackwards as the Bumper is allowed to push and shove people around and the only real option is to either become criminal and retaliate of flee. Which in most cases that is not possible due to the highly refined skill of the bumper and the game machanics. Which I must credit many bumpers they have become extremely good at manipulating the game machanic.
For what end. They say they are saving hi sec, but, in all reality they are greifing for one and two the primary objective is to get the player to low/null sec to either join a greifing corp or be an open target to pad someones kill boards.
It basically makes the game unplayable for those that just want to enjoy the basics, get away and just spend some time in game.
The mechanic is very lopsided, and while a balance in ship powers have been paid much attention. The bumping things is still not addressed. The game losses paying or potentially paying customers every day and it doe not mimic the reality of life in this concern. Honestly, if someone pushed me in real life I would defend myself. But, in game if I do that I go criminal and concorded by the police. What police officer shoots and kills the defender? So really this mechanic only works in favor of the outlaw.
CCP really needs to re-examine this mechanic, because I would punch back if I wasnât under threat of being Concorded. Lets face it, the ships they are bumping are fairly defenseless and toothless to begin with.
Call it a whine or whatever you wish, but, I am simply pointing out that it is extremely unbalanced and hinges largely to the outlaw. Of course there will the be the greifer that tries to punch this full of holes, but, their only real reason is because they enjoy acting out the anti-social behaviors in game.