Ares Backwards Game Play

Most of those who stand by and watch in Eve are hoping that they might see a nice kill and be able to swoop in and scoop some of the loot. Maybe even get in on a killmail or two of the inevitable gankers who are heading in to finish off the bumped ship.

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Hmm okay thats true. It requires specific ship to have on grid which is not only the case but okay you are right - if they had it they could have.

I guess if you are a bumper you would find nothing wrong with the mechanics.


As a not bumper I find no problem with the mechanics.

Shoot them if you want to get rid of them. Counter bump and use the mechanics to your advantage.

Most of all though, stop being a crap corporation and teach your people how to survive in a war. Your leadership is just terrible and doing more harm to the game than any bumper is.

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An aggressor is an aggressor bottom line and thus should be a legal target, of thousands of years with pirates, no one ever said the victim was the criminal.


This is so very true. And not just to retaliate, but to aggress. We can pay off CONCORD to look the other way while we violence other corporations.

Arguments from realism in EVE are dumb, this thread failed in the first sentence.


Why are you so intent on keeping the mechanic? It is equal to allowing people to use warp scramblers without any consequences in high sec. Why should this be allowed?

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Iā€™ve not taken part in any high sec bumping games for the purpose of setting up a gank, but I have participated in a lot of old nul sec fights where we tried to bump ships out of docking or jump range. Bumping in these instances is also a way of stopping a ship with high HP from getting back to a station or gate before the available DPS can finish him offā€¦ Pretty valid tactic.

You have the same mechanic available to you to try deflecting the bumpers by bumping them yourself with alts or other playersā€¦ trying to change a mechanic that is working as intended because you canā€™t think of a counter to it isnā€™t really a solution.

More like cheap trick. A valid tactic would be showing up for the fight with warp scrams or disruptors.


Doesnā€™t nullify being a target. In both cases everyone is a legal target.

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Not everyone has backup available or escorts for their freighters in high sec 24/7. I just find it ridiculous that a machariel can keep a freighter stuck somewhere without the freighter being able to warp off or do anything just waiting for their death. To me thatā€™s the same as allowing people to use warp scramblers in high sec which last time i checked is a criminal offense.


its little difficult to counter in a freighter or some big ship. Defense or running is the only option and in most cases running or counter bumping is not an option at all. You can rationalize this to death with some twisted thought pattern. But, really, defense of ones self or property is simply that.


Without the mechanic, how are fleets going to keep formation, how do capital fleets jump to cynos, how to large battles occur that draw massive news for the game, how is a ship going to undock from Jita, how is a ship going to land at 0 on Jita, how is an autopiloting ship going to even be able to autopilot any longer, how are capitals going to be held before tackle arrives in nullsec combat, etc.?

In all of these cases, the current aoproach in the mechanics helps peopleā€™s tually play the game at all, and in absence of the mechanic, it would be used by players to make things even more difficult for people.

The OP (and without looking at your Corp, Iā€™m assuming your presence here is a direct result of that silly evemail they sent) is in a org that lacks the skill to operate in highsec during a war. As a result, there is a whole lot of butt hurt being applied to completely change several aspects of the game, not in a good way for most people. Just learn how t survive in a war. Itā€™s really easy to do. Problem solved.

No one said remove the mechnanic, people simply go suspect. Bottom line. Friendly or hostile.


There are always going to be people upset with the mechanic. If you have played the game long enough to be able to fly a freighter and be able to afford one, but then choose to fly what you know is a nice juicy target through space without support or backup to hand, then you are simply not suitably equipped to defend yourself. That is a choice that you have made in the full knowledge of the risks that you face and have no-one but yourself to blame if you find yourself attracting a few bumpers.

Most ganks are actually over in seconds as the gankers know that they have very limited time in which to finish you off before concord turns up and jams them. So they bring sufficient DPS to get the job done quickly. The bumpers are simply there to position the target nicely for them.

As to the point about being ill prepared and not having scrams, I can only deduce that youā€™ve not done much pvpā€¦

Maybe one day, CCP will implement the timer it mentioned to gimp extended duration bumping, where you just go to warp after a set period of time.

This seems like a pretty solid option to me. Holds up ships until the bumpers mateā€™s can get into position, while simultaneously removing their ability to troll-lock a ship forever and a day


Still does not invalidate self defense, you can red herring this all day long. But self defense is self defense regardless.

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Actually he said agreed, I did not say that. What you fail to consider is that I am looking at what is realistic, not removing the mechanic, which would be a bleeding heart liberal thing to do. I am saying balance. You are saying lets keep it the way it is regardless of the imbalance. Which is a totally a extreme right thing.