friendly remember : if you have an insta-dock bookmark (eg in jita IV 4), you can righbt click in space to warp to it, then pres CTR S to activate AP. you will dock as soon as landing on grid.
To make a insta-dock : find the space that is insde the 0m range of the structure, that is most full of void . go there. Then approach structure at 0. when stoppped, BM this spot, this is the boundary BM. then approach the structure by manual piloting, until you are 2500 m from the boundary BM. BM your position as insta bookmark.
If you already give up to a simple game challenge like how to efficiently get (something) from A to B, you may look for another game. Hint: if it feels like a chore, don’t do it, find a better solution (there is).
EDIT: just recognized you didn’t know you can just chain-jump with one click. This is unexpected
Nevertheless if you don’t want to haul yourself you can setup courier contracts giving the “job” to somebody else. A lot of players like playing space trucker.
Ya ain’t. Autopiloting is balanced by the times ya’rr waitin’ for the ship approachin’ the gates. Ya’rr not supposed to enjoy this, it’s meant for people who want to trade risk for doin’ somethin’ else.
Nah. An instadock is best placed inside the station, ‘cause that’ll make ya ship bounce around inside of it, makin’ harder to gank it with luck. There’s always a chance ya get killed if there’s some shitty lag happenin’.
nope, they need more than 2s to lock&attack you. while getting your ID inside the station makes you possibly literally bounce off the station, thus get out of dockin range if there is a lag.
Never had that happen to me. People need to plant the bookmark inside by warping into the station usin’ the sentry turrets. Ya won’t bounce off the station when the bookmark’s inside of it.
Ok, I suppose you don’t know the history around this. CCP has stated, many times, they want players playing their game, not being afk. Warp to zero (wtz) was not an original feature of this game. It was a compromise to efficiency, as everyone had thousands of bookmarks to effectively wtz on gates and stations and loading these bookmarks was causing lag, or so they told us. So they implemented wtz and removed the bookmarks to improve the performance of the game. People ‘cried’ this would stop ganking. Your ‘solution’ won’t work as then all ganks would happen after you jump through the gate.
As CODE and others have shown us,wtz did not stop ganging. The best way to stop ganging is to use scouts and/or a fleet to fly ahead and protect/clear the route, I.e. Treat highsec like lowsec. Which means you need to be at the keyboard and working with others. CCP obviously wants their game to be this way.
Verified. At least with a bookmark on the station wall and warping from the far side of station. One night I sat dumbfounded for a few moments about the nose of my vigilent sticking out from under the dock.
I’m not sure how it works, but you need some safety then, because the warp area is 1500 m IIRC.
That’s why I put my instas 2500m from boundary BM(I know, it’s also a good habit to make correct cyno BM)
OP learned from this thread he can set a route and simply click jump when the next gate is auto-selected. I think it is safe to assume he learned why his suggestion was flawed and why he got the responses he got (he even states this in one of his posts). I guess the thread is over and would be better to be locked as OP got his answer, got a solution too on top of that and even himself (I assume) sees the suggestion is flawed thus null and void.
I have a question : Sometimes when I warp to next gate on the route, the next gate is not selected. I thus need to radial click warp on next route desto.
Do you know why this happens ? IMO it is a good feature to prevent people botting, but I’m not sure it is a feature.