Hello, I write this post because is impossible for me to understand how new rules runs.
I’m and alpha player, so I have some “CAP’s”. The way the new rules ships and weapons are ready for alpha use are clear, you can go to ship tree and look for the ships you can use.
“Any skills you’ve previously trained which fall under the Alpha set can be used at any time, regardless of Clone State”
But this it not true, and alpha can not use a mining barge, a cloak device or the planet interaction independent of what you trained in you omega state.
Lot of skills trained in Omega are not used, like Level 5 of engineering.
Can you explain it a bit better please?
Thank you.
“Any skills you’ve previously trained which fall under the Alpha set can be used at any time, regardless of Clone State”
If you let you account lapse into the Alpha state, you can use any skill that is in the Alpha set of skills which are listed in the devblog you linked. That means you cannot use a mining barge, even if you trained for it as an Omega, because the skill ‘Mining Barge’ is not in the Alpha set of skills. Other skills, like say ‘Amarr Battleship’ are now in the Alpha set of skills and you can indeed use them.
Definitely not all of the skills you can train or have trained as an Omega clone can be used while an alpha clone. There has to be some advantage for going Omega.
You can train available skills until you hit the (free) 5 million SP cap. Trainable skills include cross-race skills as per the recent Alpha Clone changes.
To train beyond the (free) 5 million SP cap, you will have to do one of the following (to reach the Alpha Clone cap of 20 million Skill Points):
buy Skill Injectors
pay subscription to go Omega
buy PLEX - with ISK or Creditcard to go Omega
do the Alpha Agency tasks to earn your “mini” Alpha Skill Injector (50k SPs)
A complete list of skills you can train as Alpha Clone are in the link you provided.