The deception is - Will Alphas know they don’t need larger ships to complete the event?
The wording is not specific as you say and yes it does matter - I wouldn’t want too be the Alpha that goes and spends money on injectors to get into a larger ship only to find I didn’t need it…
From Eveupdate; Arms Race Release.
With this release, capsuleers can enjoy an event catered toward the newfound power of alpha clones, that celebrates free access to battlecruisers and battleships, and provides rewards themed around them.
That wording is just ambiguous enough as to be saying, you need a battlecruiser or battleship to complete it… We have given you this new found power, now go use it to complete this event (Good advertising is always misleading)
Actually the way this event is put together really encourages the grind - 1st reward was gained from a single site. The sites can be completed with little to no effort for a reasonable skilled Alpha pilot, in a Frigate, if you wanted a bit of overkill take a cruiser.
If someone doesn’t have 2 hours to play to complete this event, they really shouldn’t be playing Eve. Eve has always been a game that requires your time - You don’t log-in for 15 minutes run a mission and log-off. You log-in knowing you are going to be there for a while. As none of these sites lasted more than ~10 minutes, it isn’t designed to be something you would do over a period of days…
The reward is what motivates the majority of Eve players to do something - Whether that be joining a fleet to go kill your enemies or running missions, you are working for the end reward - In this case, easily obtained with a couple of hours minimal effort…
I didn’t rush to complete it, I stopped to have lunch, made 2 cups of coffee, chatted to some alliance mates, all in between doing the 8 sites it took to complete the event.
I doubt the rewards will be much different from SISI - 1 is a nano something that turns into a battlecruiser when opened. 2 is a 25k injector. 3 is a nano something that turns into a battleship when opened.