Arrests of Mikramurka Defense Officials

I fixed it for you.

I always get yelled at when I talk about Shakor being the Empress’ baby-daddy.


Then I guess we’re about to be yelled at together, because IT’S THE TRUTH.

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Yes, you are about to be yelled at together.

While the fact that Shakor attends high-profile functions with the Empress may very well mean there is foul play on the part of Shakor, I don’t think it’s very likely to mean they’re together.

I know that if I was trying to keep such a relationship quiet, I wouldn’t be dragging them everywhere causing speculation like that. And well, it seems pretty obvious to avoid such displays. Two intelligent individuals like Empress Catiz I and Shakor would most likely also realize that.

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Exactly. Which is why it’s the perfect cover! They’re too obvious! Who in their right mind could think they’re really up to something? Nobody! So they’ll get away with it…

Now if only we had some pesky kids and a mangy mutt…


It’s the perfect arrangement! Just tenuous enough to make loyalists on both sides fall into the trap!

But some of us know better.

What’s the ship name? Cator? Shakiz?

I refuse to give Kittens & The Shak-man a ship-name.

Especially since it’s completely true to point out that Aldrith Shutaq may or may not himself be in an illicit and torrid love triangle with the both of them!


Slashfic writers, I summon thee!

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You and yours would know nothing about that.

Tradition does not outweigh the laws of the Republic.

Speaking of tradition, I suppose it’s traditional for you Efrits to declare any questioning of your Tribe’s intentions as “slander”? You’ve certainly got the old man’s style down well.

It has been upheld despite your people’s efforts to disrupt it at every turn.

Going to murder some more kin before they can talk huh? And call it “justice”?

Exactly how deep in the Krusual’s pocket is the MPS? Nepotism is nothing new in the Republic, but appointing an Efrit, now, to this organisation? That’s some eyebrow raising ■■■■ right there.


Oh how I hate to be right.


Called it.


Or maybe you were behind the attack? Continuing with the brainstorming, you seem to have switched allegiances conveniently. Maybe you’re going to make the Sundsele Six disappear in null or wherever it is your new home is.

I mean, surely your new assignment is just a coincidence. One of those awfully convenient coincidences, but…

This is incredibly low effort. Upwell structure logs will happily confirm that I have spent the last 24 hours or so in J133632. My corporation and my allegiances are not the same thing.

I didn’t suggest you were there with an RPG in hand yourself. But you know people who could pull this off. And now you have a place to make people disappear.

Maybe not. But your allegiances, or should I say, my belief in your loyalty towards your Tribe or the Minmatar as people a has been in question for a long time. You seem to keep “questionable” company a lot. Of course Kahah kill records prove nothing, maybe you were just opportunistically shooting uh, at Elsebeth, among other people.

Stop bickering like siblings who both want the last drumstick.


But she started it!



I was hoping that @Kril_Efrit might have been able to provide some answers to the questions I had asked. Answers that might have reassured our outerworlds clans.

Instead, we learn another group of paramilitaries have staged an attack on Matar security forces. We learn that bands of masked militants seemingly roam the surface of our ancestral world, attacking and killing our kinspeople at will.

Planetary Security ? Planetary Insecurity more like. What is happening down there ?

Shakor’s directly in charge of all Republic Security and Public Order agencies. Ask him.

Is it too much to ask for you to schedule a meeting with us at Rhiannon Spear? I very much to run planetary business on the actual planet and leave capsuleer tools to capsuleer jobs.

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