Arrests of Mikramurka Defense Officials

Yet this whole thread is about assuming, and a lot of believing of the assumptions.

Look, as said and I’ve previously outlined, I’m all for ousting Shakor, enacting checks and balances across the Tribes (but not so many that the Tribes are unable to act when needed to), but I’m really not into the idea of throwing several Tribes under a grand conspiracy bus, to make it happen.

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The idea of any Matari being a Blood Raider or Sani Sabik makes my stomach turn. I’m going to hope and pray it’s just run-of-the-mill dereliction of duty and incompetence.

Doesn’t need to be that. Everyone has a price, or so they say. Though, it has to be said that Sanism, for some forsaken reason, seems to have tendrils absolutely everywhere.


isn’t necessary. They only have to be willing to agree to not do their job. For whatever reason. Maybe they had a beef with Rhiannon, or one of the other Clans in the targeted area. Maybe someone higher up cut a deal with Chakaid, and now they’re covering their tracks.

Problem is, they’re not going to ever let us review their work. The government will insist we need to just trust them as they investigate their own failure, and then come up with some convenient scapegoat.


That would be unacceptable. They need to name and shame and make this all public. I’m actually more worried about Sebiestor Tribe interfering to avoid embarrassment than I am the Sanmatar and Khumatar covering anything up.


You do make equally good counter-assumptions, I must say.

If I agree on one thing here, is that I wouldn’t trust Shakor one bit though. The circumstances of his ascension were… Shall we say, “questionable.” So much so that I consider it tainting the birth the Tribal Republic so long as it remaind unaddressed and uninvestigated - though investigating it now, a decade later (or in the future) will be a grandly difficult task.

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And what makes you think the Sanmatar won’t cover it up to avoid Sebiestor embarassment and get Midular in his corner?

Shakor has a long history of killing those who might be in his way just as quickly as he can get his hands on them.


When Shakor came to power, I was considerably busy, first being a slave, then being liberated. I do not think it’s possible to argue with his results. Looking back at it, through the distortion of history, I wonder if it was so bad, why Midular didn’t speak out more? Why didn’t the Tribal Chiefs out him? Yes, it was messy, but from my perspective, it was a necessary mess.

If a few corrupt, self-serving, politicians had to get murdered to save my Tribe then I can live with that. That doesn’t mean it’s right. It doesn’t make it good. Only means I can live with it.

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It was. I for one, consider mass-murder and installing a puppet a bad way to reform a government.

The question largely is, was it necessary, were they corrupt? Because they were killed on the spot, and evidence of their corruption is entirely based on some extra-governmental force of an “Elder Network” appearing and saying they were. You can’t interrogate dead people.

Also, you might not be understandably aware of this, but the purges happened at the same time with the Elder Fleet descending into Amarr space, which were not, to the best of our knowledge, under the command of the Republic at the time, but the aforementioned “Elder Network.” So their deaths weren’t in any way necessary for your Tribe to live, or at least so it would seem, looking back.


Because there had been years of efforts to weaken Midular, to paint her as an appeaser because she dealt with the military and political reality she was faced with—a reality, mind you, that she might have been better able to deal with had Shakor and his allies in the Thukker Tribe not been siphoning off Federal aid in sufficient amounts to build the Elder Fleet.

Doing that took a lot of resources. Doing it in secret took a lot more than would have been needed if something similar were being done by the Republic instead. And if those resources hadn’t been tied up in deceiving the Minmatar government into not being able to find out where their money was going, your tribe might have been saved sooner.

Remember, it wasn’t Shakor’s decision to come get you. The SoE blabbed. If they hadn’t, he’d likely have left you all there until the Elder fleet was ‘ready’. It might still not be.

They didn’t. Their deaths had nothing to do with it. The Elder Fleet wasn’t sent by Shakor’s government. He wasn’t in power then. Shakor becomes Sanmatar after the Elder Fleet is defeated.

And, as Teinyhr points out: there’s no real proof they were even corrupt. So the question becomes: ‘If a few thousand innocent people had to die for absolutely no reason involving the rescue of your Tribe…’ Are you still ok with that? Kill whoever you like as long as you can later claim they were the bad guys?


Can you back this up? I was always told that the purges were in preparation for the Elder Fleet.

Well, there is this small blurb from The Scope at the time:

I’m not surprised if you were told otherwise, maybe your rescuers just wanted your peope to fall in line - the situation was a mess as it was.


I am going to have to look into this myself and think. Thank you, Teinyhr.

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Jeez we can’t wait to start a family punch up can we?

“Confusion and Disputes Arise Over Arrests of Mikramurka Defense Officials by Matar Planetary Security” … there is no mention of which tribe the arrested belong to, are they likely to be Sebiestor? Yes, is it possible they are from any of the other tribes? Also yes

Lets have a little more evidence before we sharpen the knives please.


For the 7 tribes to be unified there has to be some blood… ifs our way. Hopefully soon we can refocus our efforts on the true enemy.

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There has been blood. It is on the hands of Shakor, the Thukker, and the Elders. There should not be a need for more Matari blood to be spilled by Matari hands.


I agree, The blood being spilled should be Amarrian, maybe the Tribes should listen to my Thukker brothers and sisters and stop playing at politics.

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The Thukkers are the ones playing politics. Along with the Krusual.

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You seem to be obsessed with the Krusual. Did one of them run over your pet when you were little, or something?