Or, ensuring justice is brought to Zashev and taking our money as a nice bonus on top of it.
Assuming she wants Zashev to face justice, Ms. Ashok took a massive amount of an enemy’s money in return for allowing us to do the work. Why wouldn’t she take that deal?
Because, mark my words: Zashev will not escape justice.
And maybe the people she is attacking feel the same way? Ever stopped to think about that? There is a lot more at play here than just bruised capsuleer egoes, and I wonder if you truly understand that?
Because coming to the IGS to take shots at one of the Tribal Republic’s longest serving, most respected and most influential capsuleers just doesn’t seem to be a good idea.
I have hard time believing you truly understand what you’re doing here. Maybe you’re blinded by grief or whatever, but you don’t seem to understand that by enabling her, by encouraging her to drive wedges between the Tribes, her insinuating that Krusual are out to kill the Sebiestor, you well and truly, don’t seem to be thinking straight about what you’re endorsing here.
Shakor must be stopped, but possibly having two tribes go to war is a price entirely too high. Well, maybe I am putting too much weight behind any of our words here, but I am seriously uncomfortable with the sentiment I’m sensing here right now.
And what if they already are, but only one Tribe knows it?
I’m not suggesting for a moment that the Krusual all want to kill all Sebiestor. That’d be foolish. But of the old power blocs, the Krusual do have motive to see the Sebiestor discredited, to see the leadership of influential Clans disgraced and brought low, to force the Sebiestor Tribe to spend a generation or more rebuilding our standing and stature. As do the Brutor, and the Thukker.
Is the idea that leadership among those Tribes with longstanding grudges against the Sebiestor might take action to undermine any potential for their rival to regain political power so ridiculous? Is it even slightly out of character for the single most treacherous, underhanded, sleazy, untrustworthy, power-mad, and outright foul group of people the cluster has ever known?
I would say that with the end of the previous form of the Republic under Midular’s - The Ray’s - reign, this more or less already happened. At this point, it’d be just kicking the Sebiestor while they’re down.
Perhaps not. But Kalaratiri has not been talking about that, but that Krusual want to see Sebiestor die, just because. Read her previous ramblings, it’s more apparent there.
I’ve had my Chief die and my unmarked little brothers and sisters taken by the Blood Raiders after the Thukker tribe sold the one source of information on them to the Amarr Empire without RJD lifting a finger. Yes, maybe I am blinded with grief. Or by whatever.
There are many people who at this point wish I should just shut up, and smile politely, and keep my head down. Occasionally that includes myself. It definitely does include my clan - I should stress that while I claim the name, I do not speak for Rhiannon at this point.
But you know what would be the best way to achieve that? Give us the answers. As tribesman Jocca Quinn points out above, followed by more words to the same effect by the chief of Stjörnauga, maybe the answers are really simple and there truly is nothing to see here.
Ah yes, because the answers are just there, and they’re holding them back just to spite you and yours. Maybe, just maybe, delving into the level of fuckup of a failure of our civilizations home planet’s defence network, takes time. And will probably be kept, for the most part, under wraps, for national security reasons. Which, I’m sure is some great conspiracy fuel again.
Now you speak like a fool. If the answers will take so much time, if the Khumatar has yet to unearth anything to show for three weeks of work, why the arrests?
If he is arresting people when he still knows nothing, then he is as much of an idiot as you are. If he knows something, let him share it! Or risk more bloodshed when unrest boils up and tempers flare. He is not so unforgivably stupid. Perhaps you should try being less so.
Umm. Maybe the arrests are because of unearthing something? Something of which would be unwise to let all of the world know, at this point in time? The fact that arrests have been made, might be a prelude for some statements forthcoming in the near future. Maybe. At the very least they are a sign of progress in the investigation - even if you, Else, or Kala don’t like it.
And this is why one Tribe is hailed as among the cluster’s most innovative and ingenious thinkers… and it’s not the Vhero. Either it will take time, or he’s already got it, fool.
You’d need to “quote the whole thing” if you had a problem with the whole thing. Cut the drama and focus.
I already addressed this: We wrote the two documents to be as polite and politically appeasing as possible, because tough talk and accusations would have gotten us nothing. If you don’t understand how “We anticipate receiving further details on how you idiots are not gonna ■■■■ us over” doesn’t point to legitimate concerns or a warning to our peers, then you need to learn to read between the lines.
Hi! I’m Melisma Ramiscapegoat, of Clan Ramiwellfucked.
I live on the Mikramurka coast, and can confirm that we honor and revere Clan Rhiannon and their peers in Sundsele even more after their awful losses and current perseverance. GTFO with your ■■■■■■■■ propaganda.
Anna, with all due to respect to your chief and your clan, your uncle’s about to eat his words.
He already has.
Have any of you noticed that there is one point that we all agree on? We disagree on the nuances of how or why, but the core of it is there.