Ascendance Rising is open to all players, old and new.
Search for the corp ingame and apply, you will be accepted by one of our recruiters in no time.
When you join you will have access to not only the other members of Ascendance Rising but also the wealth of knowledge of Ascendance (ASCEE), one of the largest corps in Goonswarm via our Discord channels.
Hi. I return to game some months ago, mainly Industry and PI, this character is 30m skill points , played in fountain in the era of FUBAR Alliance. Interested to join, currently baby sitting around nine characters in alphas account, planning yo consolidate in three or four omega accounts next month. Wanna join, but not sure if the tranfers look as ‘bad vibe’ if i do so. Maybe in the future pass to null but need nurse my other chars a bit. I assume a year in high sec or two before moving to null again.
Welcome back to the game. Hope you are enjoying it again.
There are no requirements need to join Ascendance Rising and no pre-joining interviews.
If you wish to join us with one, or more characters, just apply in game by clicking the button found at the bottom of the corp info page.
Ascendance Rising is based in High Security space and only has links to Null Sec by the fact that the corp has been set up and run by senior members of Ascendance for people who want to live in High Sec.
After spending some time with us and getting to know our members both in Ascendance Rising and Ascendance, you are welcome to apply to join the Null Sec corp or continue to stay in High Sec.
Ascendance Rising is open to all players, old and new.
Search for the corp ingame and apply, you will be accepted by one of our recruiters in no time.
When you join you will have access to not only the other members of Ascendance Rising but also the wealth of knowledge of Ascendance (ASCEE), one of the largest corps in Goonswarm via our Discord channels.
Ascendance Rising is open to all players, old and new.
Search for the corp ingame and apply, you will be accepted by one of our recruiters in no time.
When you join you will have access to not only the other members of Ascendance Rising but also the wealth of knowledge of Ascendance (ASCEE), one of the largest corps in Goonswarm via our Discord channels.
Ascendance Rising is open to all players, old and new.
Search for the corp ingame and apply, you will be accepted by one of our recruiters in no time.
When you join you will have access to not only the other members of Ascendance Rising but also the wealth of knowledge of Ascendance (ASCEE), one of the largest corps in Goonswarm via our Discord channels.