So one thing is, my point was the I don’t see a use of a heavy auto-targetting missile, and your point even if it’s true seems to re reinforcing that since you just said RLML…
Slightly more importantly, I don’t think your point is true. The alpha volley of auto-targeting missiles is pretty pathetic compared to Caldari missiles even with skills invested.
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Scenario I:
Three guys each have a Raven with Mizuro’s Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher (why Mizuro? It sounded like a cool name so I decided to use it for example. Tech II launchers work the same for the example, but I just wanted to say Mizuro’s Modified. As for the in-universe reason for why they have it, maybe he ran out of CPU). They load Caldari Navy Mjolnir, Inferno, or Scourge missiles. They some distance from the main fleet and are shooting something.
Nine guys decloak each Raven is targetted by 3 guys (I’m going to say each Raven is hit to give the best case scenario to the auto-targeting missiles later). They have fast lock, so they lock the Ravens in 1 second.
The Ravens are surprised and are tunnel versioned on whatever they were shooting at in the first place for 3 seconds (again, trying to give the benefit of doubt to the auto-targeters).
At second 4, the Ravens start attempting to get a lock on whatever is shooting them. For a medium sized-ship, this will be something like 9 seconds. For a stealth bomber, this is going to be something like 15 seconds, which means the alpha is going to be irrelevant since a stealth bomber is just going to cloak away. At second 13, they fire and do a volley of 4935 damage.
Scenario II:
Three guys each have a Raven with Mizuro’s Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher. They load Imperial Navy Mjolnir Auto-targeting, Federation Navy Inferno Auto-targeting, or Caldari Navy Scourge Auto-targeting missiles. They some distance from the main fleet and are shooting something.
Wait how are they shooting something? Uhhh… let’s say they aggoed someone and then afterburned away and that that someone had other things to worry about. 64500 meters is a nice distance, the Ravens can stay in range of whatever aggroed them.
Nine guys decloak each Raven is targetted by 3 guys. They have fast lock, so they lock the Ravens in 1 second. For some reason, they don’t concentrate on a single Raven, go give auto-targeting missiles the benefit of the doubt even though that seems silly.
At second 2, the Ravens’ missile respond with a volley of 4410 damage, which is clearly less than 4925. And really, it should be a third of that since why are all of them aggroed in the first place?
Scenario 3:
Three guys each have a Raven with Mizuro’s Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher. They load Imperial Navy Mjolnir Auto-targeting, Federation Navy Inferno Auto-targeting, or Caldari Navy Scourge Auto-targeting missiles. They just jumped through a gate.
Each Raven is targetted by 3 guys. They have fast lock, so they lock the Ravens in 1 second. For some reason, they don’t concentrate on a single Raven, go give auto-targeting missiles the benefit of the doubt even though that seems silly.
At second 2, the Ravens’ missile respond with a volley of 4410 damage.
Scenario IV:
A tackle frigate and some DPS ship gang on on the Ravens that just jumped through the gate. The Ravens have the RHML. They have Caldari missiles.
The Ravens notice they there are ships around the gate. They prepare to jump, but realize they might not get the chance. Once gate cloak wears off, they start targeting what they can.
At second 1, the enemy locks on, the tackle frigate gets a Raven, and the DPS ships start firing. If the Ravens are lucky, they’re in low sec and the gate guns respond. If in Null, there are no guns and they might already be in a bubble.
At second 10, the Ravens open fire and do a volley of 4935 damage at whatever they think is the best thing to shoot at.
Scenario V:
A tackle frigate and some DPS ship gang on on the Ravens that just jumped through the gate. The Ravens have the RHML. They have imperial navy auto-targeting missiles.
The Ravens notice they there are ships around the gate. They prepare to jump, but realize they might not get the chance. Once gate cloak wears off, they start targeting what they can.
At second 1, the enemy locks on, the tackle frigate gets a Raven, and the DPS ships start firing.
The auto-targeting missiles of one Raven responds by going after the tackle frigate. To give the benefit of doubt the auto-targeting missiles, let’s say the other two Ravens are aggroed.
The missiles aren’t going to do 1470 since we assume the frigate is actually moving. Frigates move faster than cruisers or battleships. So the damage is drastically reduced. The velocity formula gives me a headache, so I’m not going to calculate that, but safe to say it’s a lot less than 1470.
Scenario VI:
A gang of mostly Ravens but some other ships like logi frigates, destoryers, tackle frigates and stealth bombers jump through a low sec gate and realize it’s camped and they’re outnumbered. Most of the Ravens have Mizuro’s Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher loaded with Caldari heavy missiles.
The gang waits for their best chance and break gate cloak. At second 0, they break cloak. The enemy locks in at second 1. To give the Ravens the benefit of doubt, let’s say 3 campers didn’t use doctrine with the rest of their camp and they afterburn towards the center of the victims with their high slots filled with smart bombs.
The Ravens start locking targets and prepares to shoot.
The victim fleet engages what targets they think are best and each Raven does a volley of 1645. The camping tackle frigates are either engaged with drones or the victim fleet’s tackle frigates.
The only time a Raven engages something other than its desired target is if it cannot get a lock. For example, a Scorpion jams one of them and prevents him from shooting at his desired target. The Raven can respond with his volley against said Scorpion (or Rock, or even a non bonused ship that got RNG on his jammer and somehow jammed a battleship since non bonused ships usually can’t jam anything other than frigates). Even if the Raven was jammed while reloading (meaning switching wouldn’t cost much time), he would rather reload with Caldari missiles to do full damage to the one target he still has a lock on rather than auto-targeting missiles to do reduced damage.
Scenario VII:
A gang of mostly Ravens but some other ships like logi frigates, destoryers, tackle frigates and stealth bombers jump through a low sec gate and realize it’s camped and they’re outnumbered. Most of the Ravens have Mizuro’s Modified Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher loaded with federatiin navy inferno auto-targeting heavy missiles.
The campers lock in at second 1. To give the Ravens the benefit of doubt, let’s say 3 campers didn’t use doctrine with the rest of their camp and they afterburn towards the center of the victims with their high slots filled with smart bombs. As a result, most Ravens are aggroed. However, they didn’t all arrive in the same spot, so not all of them are aggoed and in fact some just aren’t doing anything. At seconds 4 to 8, some Ravens are aggroed by smarties and tackle frigates and begin to open fire one by one.
Some of the Ravens are hitting drones with their missiles. Others are hitting tackle frigates. Some of them aren’t tackled but were aggoed by the smarties and shoot at that. And others only launch their drones and aren’t actually shooting anything.
There is a way for the Ravens to be able to do some damage so that their damage is being reduced by S/ER instead of the velocity formula. It is if they can just slow those tackle frigates down.
Webs only slow them down by 60% so unless you stack 3 of them, a frigate is still going to be fast relative to a heavy missile (remember heavy missiles are slower than lightones).
Web grapplers in optimal range will slow down a frigate a lot. But the thing is to use one you would need… a target lock.
So if the Ravens didn’t grapple the tackle frigates, most of their missiles would be doing scratch damage. And if they did grapple them, that meant that they waited for a lock. If they did wait for a lock, they could just lock onto what they wanted to shoot in the first place with Caldari missiles and do full damage. Even if they wanted to shoot the tackle frigates instead of a DPS ship, grappling and using Caldari missiles would still be better than grappling and using auto-targeting ones.
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The volley damage of these missiles aren’t very impressive even under the case you get dropped by multiple people with instant-locks and every guy got aggroed. The auto-targeting missiles would not do even close to their already unimpressive advertised damage most of the time. They could do a lot more damage against slower targets, but slowing things down need a lock and if you can do that Caldari missiles are better.
The best use I can think of for these things are AFK use or if you managed to be attacked while not having locks on anything and you are able to fire 3 volleys in the time it takes to even start locking onto something in range.
The “only” problem with AFK use is that there “best AFK ammo” isn’t exactly a great use for PVP. Besides, even if AFK was a popular PVP strategy, it wouldn’t be very fun. And the situation where you’re being shot at, not having locks, and not being able to start locking at something in range of your weapons is a situation I really don’t think happens. If it did, then doing reduced damage would be better than none, but even the module that breaks locks (ECM) still leaves you with a valid target.