Auto Targeting Missiles Won't Fire

Is it actual devs saying that or only GMs? :thinking:

So far only GMs have stated it’s not a bug. Which just means they either checked their bug list and it wasn’t on it, or passed it over to some dev who didn’t spend much time thinking about it.

I can imagine that at some point in the past, perhaps someone tossed out the idea of an “AFK AT missile fleet” or something to a dev. In that case it’s possible CCP decided that having ships in a PvP fleet that could auto-fire in some circumstances was a bad idea, and so they ensure someone had to actually trigger an aggression module on each ship.

Gerard has posted the issue on Reddit, so at least some discussion of it may eventually reach CCP’s ears. Because heaven knows, they’d never react to it being discussed on their own forums…


I still think it’s a glaring bug.

Can you link me to the discussion? Just out of curiosity what some CCPer might say (if he gets a response). Might be useful for future reference.


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