Auto Targeting Missiles Won't Fire

“Should it be fixed? Absolutely”

This is the only thing I’m arguing for.

If we want to get into the details of the fight, sure. The first two ships that aggressed me both had to warp off because they were dying to the 2 sentry guns at the gate. It took 1-2 minutes before ships that actually did damage arrived so an extra 800 dps to the first ships would’ve made an impact. I was aligned to a station and cycling my MWD on overload, I could’ve be in warp in about 10 secs. There were absolutely windows of opportunity to survive if I were able to use my weapons as it was intended.

As for the risks of bringing a capital freighter into low sec. Yeah, 100% that’s on me. I knew the risks. I’ve done it before with no problems and have done it when I did get attacked and lost my ships cause I valued the convenience over safety. I’m not complaining about that cause I knew what I was getting into.

I’m complaining about a weapon that’s not working when it’s supposed to.


Wow, I guess they really don’t want to acknowledge this is a bug…


Then how come a few years ago auto targeting rapid light launchers had the SAME bug for a long time until it was finally recognised as such in the patch notes? Can’t remember the release but CCP not knowing their own bug history is appalling.

Sad but true.

It wasn’t a determined attack, it was what, two cruisers?

Stop being a CCP apologist, if the auto targeting missiles had worked and killed the ship doing the pointing, the vessel would have been saved.

Isn’t the avalanche putting out over 1K DPS? Is 1K DPS now meaningless ?

Which did happen, and the missiles did not work.

Not if they fail to activate, so that is a secondary problem.

The limited engagtement timer would be with the ship doing the pointing, not the brick tanked ship having a snuggle.

It is unreasonable for the playerbase to expect a loss due to a game bug be reimbursed? The titan that was killed because tehter was affected by ECM burst just has to wear the loss ?

If they are useless, what is the problem in having them fixed?

I wonder what the CSM thinks of this, as it is clearly a behavour contrary to expectations and especially egregious considering the cost of the vesel.

No doubt all that dev time is allocated to fixing high priority issues with SKINR…

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The brick tanked ship would also be attacking, and since it is the closest target, every single missile would be directed at it instead of the ship pointing you…

Have you people seriously never used auto-targeting missiles before? Even in PvE missions? They don’t work how you are wanting them to. You cannot control what they fire at. Period. They fire at the closest target until it is destroyed.

There was no mention of the brick tanked ship doing anything, other than being brick tanked.

I am aware of how auto targeting missiles work. Interesting to note though, if the pointing ship was first to engage, the auto targeting missiles would have fire at it first. If the avalanche has drones assisted to it, those drones would have attacked the pointing ship until it was dead, regardless of the range of other ships partaking in the engagement. One of the unique features of auto targeting is instant response, even a fully boosed fast locking frigate can’t beat a single click activation speed.

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They’re ignoring those as well…

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Yeah I just saw the thread.

Another item to add to

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“They fire at the closest target until it is destroyed”

No, they are not firing period. That is the issue we’re talking about.

Have YOU ever used auto-targeting missiles before? In PVP? Cause that’s what this thread is talking about.


If they are working correctly, yes, they fire at the closest target.

And apparently it’s not that big of an issue, or you didn’t learn your lesson the first time, because you went out into low sec and lost another one again in the exact same scenario 6 days later…

There are hills to stand and die on. This isn’t one of them…

That’s the thing, they aren’t working correctly and that’s the whole point of this thread, not my loss history. It doesn’t matter if I go lose an entire fleet or become pvp king, auto targeting missiles are not working properly.

I don’t understand how you can deflect and deflect in the face of these facts.


Send the full details to one of the CSM - they’re currently at CCP HQ in Iceland