Avoiding Jita Ganks

Oh! It does work! I’m not theorising, I’m telling you about the video and post I found on reddit! You’re not invulnerable during warp and the environment can still affect you! For example have I found that for some strange reason, in mid warp, citadels in my path tether me for a second.

Never tether you ship at a Citadel in Jita.

It can be bumped off of the tether and then ganked.

To avoid Jita ganks:

  1. always dock up
  2. use one of the secondary gates into Jita
  3. have an insta warp bookmark established in a direct line from un dock point from any station
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the ■■■■ dude ? Jita is unanchorable.

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Yo dawg, you can’t anchoring Upwell structures in Jita. Why do you post at all?

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I personally never felt that the amount of goods I generated warranted the increased hassle and risk of a frequent Jita run. Having a longer sell time and smaller volume still nets me a larger profit over a set time when figuring in a higher possible ship/merchandise loss chance… and that is with me already doing every good bit of advice people have added in this thread.

Obviously you can’t read.

I said never tether a ship to a Citadel in Jita.

and I said “The ■■■■ dude ? Jita is unanchorable”

DrysonBennington again displaying his extensive knowledge of Eve gameplay mechanics.

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Part of your advice for players looking to avoid getting ganked is to not tether on citadels in Jita.

Are you even aware of what you say?

What you fail to understand is that you were being corrected on posting misinformation. There are no Citadels in Jita. It is impossible to anchor one there. Please reply and let me know if you understand this now before you happen to make some strange thread about how CCP should ban gankers that bump players off Citadels in Jita.

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Everything dryson posts is a crackup :rofl:


Sleeper loot takes up almost no space.
Have a max brick tanked BS in a station 2-3 jumps out, transfer the loot to that and truck it the rest of the way in that. Or just sell the blue loot in another station. It gets bought by NPCs anyway.
Gas can be transported in a DST.

imo the issue is that when hauling becomes too safe, the game lacks complexity. I think when market are moved to null/ low sec the game is more interesting. However I don’t know the balance point between “you can move safely” and “it’s useless to moved as you are going to be exploded”

The best way to avoid Jita Ganks is to set up new trade hubs away from Jita. With at least five new Super Hubs the gankers will be spread out over a larger area thus reducing their effectiveness.

First thing that will happen with this is a war dec on any set up and they’ll splode it.

Ya you’re right. You know how the kids are when they get all biggy in the pants when someone tries to out do them. Out come Tear Towers and Tear Typhoons.

You heard it here folks! No less than FIVE SUPER HUBS and the gankers will be defeated!

It’s more about denying you your content and having fun while doing it.

To be honest, you can never deny me my content…that is a guarantee.

Maybe, maybe not. One thing is true, and that is that you don’t fail to be humorous content on these forums. I’m still not certain if it’s a next-level troll or if this “behavior” on the forums is something to be ashamed of.

Either way, keep it up. I enjoy laughing at you.