Azazel Drakonis Callout Thread

No, we think we’ve given up trying to get to ‘work better’, since it’s not gonna happen. Where reason fails, shame at least provides a public record.

I’m neither taking it lightly, nor concerned about him. He’s a vicious, spiteful, hateful thing that doesn’t just want to defeat his enemies in battle, doesn’t just want to achieve his objectives and advance his cause. No. Azazel Drakonis delights in harming people. By that, I don’t mean he takes joy in excelling at violence. I don’t mean that he takes pride in being good at a job that requires him to kill. I mean exactly what I say: he likes inflicting harm.

Azazel Drakonis is such a ‘gentleman’ that he takes pleasure from inflcting pain for no purpose other than to inflict pain, in traumatizing and scarring other people, and has openly expressed a desire to leave people physically and emotionally broken and damaged beyond any recovery.

So, really, it’s lovely that he hasn’t let you see that side of him yet. It’s wonderful that you’re still dealing with the facade. But that’s not who he is. That’s just how he acts, when he can’t be who he wants to be.

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Indeed. If these threads had been a thing when I freed all those slaves, my bloody stars, they might’ve killed me with the weight pages in that thread.

And just think of poor Zuzu, if they’d done this to her I’d’ve had to spend at least an entire month consoling her afterword!

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I know about all of that. I also know that it’s the violence and spitefulness that’s the façade.

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oh honey

It never is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s certainly possible to have a kind, gentle, and truly nice person become so hurt and damaged that they adopt a callous, even vicious exterior. That’s certainly possible. But no, taking pleasure from the otherwise-pointless inflicting of harm? That’s never the facade. Even if the viciousness starts as a defense mechanism, you don’t get to where you delight in the misery until you’ve been doing it so long, taking it into yourself so well… that it’s not a facade anymore. It’s just who you’ve become.

When someone tells you who they really are, like that… you should listen.


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Azael seems fine according to these accusations, but I kinda dislike him for other reasons.

Disclaimer I have no idea how to throw shade

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Aw :frowning:

Ooooohhhhh! :smiley:

You’re an admirable woman, Maira.

Thank you Constantin, for what do I own the praise. Of not that is not very appreciated i’m just curies

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“To what do I owe.”

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And I don’t care. Don’t you have better things to do when righting my spelling mistakes, like spreading Nanites everywhere

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Bullying alive and well on the IGS. I have to say I’ve never been so entertained on here in a good while. Ostrich Milk, mud wrestling and burn books. What’s next?


People who pick on others for their grammar and spelling are the greatest form of bully. Grow up.


That really could’ve been a semicolon.


Also extra-double stupid here, where there’s probably double-layer of translators between the poster and the reader.


I took a break from this forum for like, a long weekend, and came back to this.

What in the actual, literal, unironic duck is going on?

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Your telling me, I have no clue but apparently Azazel did something stupid and now we have a mud-fight happening in a month or so

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The fashion police caught him wearing a Sansha jacket and apparently with Kuvakei’s quote in the bio. Then it exploded into this thread.

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See, I make good things happen