Rather than your usual habit of getting on all fours with subhuman rebels and assorted degenerate rejects from the godless nations, and slobbering heretical inanities along with them, you’d be well advised to focus your “hopes” on the large body of evidence being compiled in another venue altogether.
After you’ve mused on that, I suggest you then reflect deeply on the possibility of the subsequent total deletion of all record of your foppish existence from a certain book.
I have the honor to be,
Aga-Count Chakaid of Kahah III,
Sa-Baron of Ves-Sefris, Zirsem V,
Paladin Deacon, Orders Militant of the Theology Council,
Plenipotentiary Representative of His Majesty Farokh Khanid III
Azazel Drakonis is an idiot for signing up to a cult dedicated to an arms dealer with a god complex…
And not advertising their wares. Seriously, depending what your selling I’d probably exclusively buy off of a group associated with you than my normal people. Do you offer discounts for bulk purchases? Do you offer planetary weapons such as rifles and other small arms? Any non-conventional arms?
He’s neither, he’s had a run of bad press about his picture lately involving his color palette and finally went with something that wasn’t black. Having spoken fairly extensively with the man, I would call him pretty politically far removed from the Sansha. I mean, besides having eclectic taste in company.