Baiting High Sec Gankers

Most High-sec carebear virtue signaling white knights have absolutely no idea what they are talking about when it comes to C&P mechanics.

Especially those that don’t play the game anymore.


Fit an extremely expensive ship and filament it into Pochven?
Who is baiting who then? I looks like Pochven baited you

  1. Dryon’s 11 step Orca bait fit (2023): bling it and filament into Pochven

Not if you put a cloaking device on the ship.

Dryson, why don’t you ever implement your own ideas?


Sometimes I have a feeling that Dryson is an alt of some ganker and the purpose behind this is to troll anti-gankers…

Ganking @Aiko_Danuja rewards the exclusive Catalyst Golden Skin.

It is not possible to gank a ganker. Even if he has a positive security status, such act would be called anti-ganking anyway.

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yep, Dryson cant be real

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Oh, he’s real.

He’s one with the woodwork, and claws his way out of it whenever an opportunity to be an SJW presents itself.

That, or to whine about a game he doesn’t play.

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