Balance Updates Coming with Uprising!

Most of this looks very good, but once again it seems game development is driven almost exclusively by CCPs desire to cater to null sec alliances. In this case the “issue” – the ONLY issue-- is that these block.players are bored with munnin fleets. So CCP will nerf them all and some other extreme range toy will take its place. So long as that extreme range strategy works it will always be the default choice. The only changes will be the ship on the block.

I would love to see CCP really shake things up. But null sec drives the boat. And they dont want anything that screws with the n+1 dynamic. However they might protest they love the F1 blob, so long as CCP keeps it fresh by nerfing every now and again.


Other long range ships are Battlecruisers and Battleships. Which are really easy to scan down and ambush with a warp in of a close range doctrine, or they are susceptible to stealth bomber runs. HACs are more nimble and can escape any such trap, or will take much less damage from bombs.

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Meta is getting shaken up which is good.

Not sure i like the untoched kinetic look down on damage, on the cerb though while the munnin gets flat 5% damage modifier accros the board.

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And that is why I have pointed out and others as well. It will change nothing. Actually the Muninn being changed to a missile boat only adds a longer time to do alpha. But you can extend the range on that ship with missiles a bit more than turret Muninn. If nullsec actually did tests they would find the Muninn is the Middle Range HAC versus everything else on the grid. But you know…F1 Blob and Nullsec drives Titanic.

@Malak_Starfire if you want to negate bomb…ADCU will actually work in negating damage applied. It can combine with a fleet boost like “Evasive Maneuvers” and shutting off MWD to make a bomb attack alot less effective.

@Saisio_Arisu the ship hull meta will be shaken up. The Range Strategy Meta not so much. Its a problem that CCP will never really counter. And the changes can be fairly countered with fits and boosts. It probably means a Muninn will no be able to target out to 300km and probably hit in falloff around 170km anymore. [Granted though that Missiles allow it to hit even further now. LOL] They are just tired of everyone copying them. There were counters but the nullsec boys didn’t want to deploy them. Mostly because the spam of building of Muninns made them cheap. But CCP can’t fully nerf player mindsets, and nullsec is proving that fact a reality in EVE Online every day.

They will have massacred the Muninn…and made something else the new Monster for nullsec to set the CCP Nerf Caveman on.

Uh yeah, I wasn’t talking about HACs having an issue with bombers. I’m saying that the ships that would take over long range sniping (BCs and BBs) have that counters…making it viable in the sense of balance.

To be honest I am not 100% sure, but it looks like CCP is throwing the Navy ships into that role. But time will tell what will work out.

I feel like overall changes are rather positive.

However, there is no mention of some ships that really need a change:

  1. Apocalypse and Apocalypse Navy.

They really need a damage bonus.

  1. Rokh

Should also get a damage bonus


Missiles can be tanked with signiture or firewalled, where arties didn’t really have that problem when it comes to giant fleets.

Sure you can technically get under the guns of arties in a big fleet but with the sheer number of players not everyone will even fit under the guns.

So the change is good it opens up more ship variety even if people still use munnins its fine its just that munnins arent the be all and end all.

I’m curious if people will use ham cerbs now, seems good.

@CCP_Aurora , any chance to lower the volume of Noctis so that Orca could carry Noctis and mining barge inside at once.

Considering you made adjustments for caps to fit 2 battleships, perhaps indy mini carrier could carry 2 indy related ships.

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It’s just me or you’ve invented stealth bomber that not stealth and not bomber?

Looks over and hides the Mordus Legion Cruiser Orthus…whatever do you mean? [And that one is worse because of flat damage bonus across all missile types and speed bonus to all missiles.]

Ironically that is what inspired me.

You can do the same with the Gnosis as well. Brisc Rubal actually flew one of those during a Karma Fleet Stream.

I’m not a fan of the Amarr losing 1 out of 3 battleships that deal good laser damage without caping themselves out.

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and dies to a solo frigate.

EoM based Armageddon Navy Issue.

SAVE THE MUNINN!! Turrets > missiles in terms of fun.

Allow Vagabond to fit missiles or turrets. Multiple weapon choices = more versatility and fun.

Drive by missile Vagabond with multiple volleys hitting at once = true Minmatar style and tactics.

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Don’t forget to update the Mastery tab. It still shows gunnery and projectiles.

It needs SIX missiles not five!

Brutor way is only way!
Add MORE guns!

Horrible updates coming with uprising! Instead of giving people more things to like in addition to what they already like CCP thinks it would be a good idea to destroy what people enjoy and force them to use something else.

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My orca sits as well… such a waste

Destroy a dominant ship that has been the only go to ship for how many years now?
Keep dreaming this update is amazing.

It’s still good its just not the only ship to use.
Next up maruader nerf :smiley:

You are also talking out your ass you fly a missile loki, minimatar + missiles, so why complain about the munnin change?

Also you haven’t gotten a single kill with a munnin on your entire killboard not a single one.