Ban LP exploiters please

The thing is, AFAIK they did not break any rule.

Canā€™t await their lawsuit for being treated unfairly. Poor victims of injustice they are.

Yeahā€¦that go over well. they went gurista since it holds value better. angels lp to isk is narrower. we have way more people.

I like fw. It has fun and interesting moments. But its got some messed up crap going on as well. Some nights I donā€™t ā€œfearā€ the neuts or the wtā€™s. Our discord awox list for angels grows. to the point we go soā€¦jsut anyone from that corp. got it.

KInd of messed up I can go into a system and be happy to see min mil players in system and dread seeing some blues. I at least know why that dude from say Uā€™K wants shoot me. Its kind of theirā€¦job lol.

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Itā€™s almost as if multi-boxing is secretly super unhealthy for game balance or somethingā€¦

Some for exploiters are looking more at the awoxerā€™s.

Mulitbox Sea gulls suck, not gonna lie about that. The awoxers dance more on the exploit range since they use a loophole

Player FW corps canā€™t be banned from FW. NPCā€™s like I am inā€¦I kill enough blues Iā€™d be kicked. Player basedā€¦kill 10, kill 100, kill 1000 its all good.

Some try to wrap it in RP. Police the gulls. But they arenā€™t just shooting gulls. Or leeches.

and since in the end NPC controlledā€¦no corp regulation in faction. 0.0 has its structure. Alliance diplomacy and standings.

And If alliance so desires itā€¦standing reset. Unless changed its like 1 dt cycle to move your soon to be non blue butt out. Once standing reset hitsā€¦NBSI happens. Its not ideal to move that way.

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