I’ve just read an article on the E-Bank that existed in EVE a few years ago.
Deeply complex and fascinating stuff, and well worth a read.
I’m left thinking several things …
1 . I’m impressed that it got to a point where a significant amount of trust had been established so that players were trusting enough to deposit lots of cash into the bank.
2 . The idea that there was once a way of getting a loan and indeed earning interest on your ISK in EVE, is utterly brilliant. Proof, if you ever needed it of the deep level of potential complexity that exists in the game.
3 . I’d really love to see this kind of thing exist again although this time with multiple sign offs (or something similar) so that no one can run off with the money.
One of my all time fictional heroes is George Bailey and I love the way that he’s an honest man and a force for good in the world, even in the face of evil. And he wins in the end too.
As far as EVE goes, @Chribba is one of my in-game heroes. If I grow up to be like him, I’ll figure I’m doing okay.
4 . The CEO running off with the cash is, in many ways, a confirmation of the deviousness and duplicity of some people. I hope the $6,000AU was worth it.
I think the sad thing for me is that to create something as brilliant like this and then to kill it off (and probably any chance of it happening again1) for such a small amount of money seems a real missed opportunity.
1 . I’d definitely be up for being involved if anyone fancies trying to set up a bank again. Having said this, we’d really, really need to make it absolutely air tight so that no one could ever run off with the money. I’m not sure if that’s even possible in EVE.